4.3. Utilisation based floorplanningΒΆ

This example demostrated how to set utilisation based constraints for each module durignfloorplanning.

Not implemented yet

import glob
import math
import logging

import spydrnet as sdn
from spydrnet_physical.util import OpenFPGA, initial_hetero_placement
from spydrnet_physical.util import FPGAGridGen, FloorPlanViz

logger = logging.getLogger("spydrnet_logs")

    .over_util {fill:#b22222 !important}
    text{font-family: Lato; font-style: italic; font-size: 350px;}

SCALE = 100
CPP = math.floor(0.46 * SCALE)
SC_HEIGHT = math.floor(2.72 * SCALE)

PROP = "VERILOG.InlineConstraints"

def main():
    Main method

if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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