6.10. Unified routing tile structureΒΆ

This example demonstate how to render FPGA Tile using FloorPlanViz class User can provide external script to render tiles, by default the rendering is based on initial_placement class.

This script can be used for shaping and placement of the modules before place and route.

Need to update this remove initial_placement and replace with initial_hetero_placement

# .. image:: ../../../examples/OpenFPGA_tiling/_unified_routing_tile_floorplan.svg # :width: 70% # :align: center

import glob
import math
import logging
from itertools import chain

import spydrnet as sdn
from spydrnet_physical.util import (

logger = logging.getLogger("spydrnet_logs")

PROP = "VERILOG.InlineConstraints"

CBX_COLOR = "#d9d9f3"
CBY_COLOR = "#a8d0db"
SB_COLOR = "#ceefe4"
GRID_COLOR = "#ddd0b1"

def main():
    Main method
    print("Needs update")
    # proj = "../homogeneous_fabric"
    # source_files = glob.glob(f"{proj}/*_Verilog/lb/*.v")
    # source_files += glob.glob(f"{proj}/*_Verilog/routing/*.v")
    # source_files += glob.glob(f"{proj}/*_Verilog/sub_module/*.v")
    # source_files += glob.glob(f"{proj}/*_Verilog/fpga_top.v")

    # # Create OpenFPGA object
    # fpga = OpenFPGA(grid=(4, 4), verilog_files=source_files)

    # # Convert wires to bus structure
    # fpga.create_grid_clb_bus()
    # fpga.create_grid_io_bus()
    # fpga.create_sb_bus()
    # fpga.create_cb_bus()
    # fpga.merge_all_grid_ios()

    # # Convert top level independent nets to bus
    # for i in chain(
    #     fpga.top_module.get_instances("grid_clb*"),
    #     fpga.top_module.get_instances("grid_io*"),
    #     fpga.top_module.get_instances("sb_*"),
    # ):
    #     for p in filter(lambda x: True, i.reference.ports):
    #         if p.size > 1 and (i.check_all_scalar_connections(p)):
    #             cable_list = []
    #             for pin in p.pins[::-1]:
    #                 cable_list.append(i.pins[pin].wire.cable)
    #             cable = fpga.top_module.combine_cables(f"{i.name}_{p.name}", cable_list)
    #             cable.is_downto = False

    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # #           Floorplan visualization
    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # fpga.register_placement_creator(initial_placement, areaFile=f"{proj}/area_info.txt")
    # fpga_grid = FPGAGridGen(
    #     design_name="FPGA4x4",
    #     layout="4x4",
    #     arch_file=f"{proj}/FPGA44_Task/arch/k6_N10_tileable.xml",
    #     release_root=None,
    # )
    # fpga_grid.enumerate_grid()
    # fpga.load_grid(fpga_grid)
    # fpga.create_placement()

    # p = fpga.placement_creator

    # # Create grid plan
    # grid_plan = GridFloorplanGen(9, 9, grid_x=200, grid_y=180)

    # grid_plan.offset_x = 10
    # grid_plan.offset_y = 10

    # for i in range(2, 9 + 1, 2):
    #     grid_plan.set_column_width(i, p.CLB_W * 4)

    # for i in range(2, 9 + 1, 2):
    #     grid_plan.set_row_height(i, p.CLB_H * 4)

    # for i in range(1, 9 + 1, 2):
    #     grid_plan.set_column_width(i, (p.CLB_GRID_X - p.CLB_W) * 4)

    # for i in range(1, 9 + 1, 2):
    #     grid_plan.set_row_height(i, (p.CLB_GRID_Y - p.CLB_H) * 4)

    # # dwg = grid_plan.render_grid()
    # # dwg.saveas("_fpga_grid_floorplan.svg", pretty=True, indent=4)

    # for xi in range(1, 10):
    #     for yi in range(1, 10):
    #         X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET = 0, 0
    #         inst_name = fpga_grid.get_top_instance(xi, yi)
    #         points = grid_plan.get_x_y(xi - 1, yi - 1)
    #         inst = next(fpga.top_module.get_instances(f"*{inst_name}"))
    #         if "cbx" in inst_name:
    #             X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET = 2 * (p.CLB_W - p.CBX_W), 0
    #         elif "cby" in inst_name:
    #             X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET = 0, 2 * (p.CLB_H - p.CBY_H)
    #         elif "sb" in inst_name:
    #             PTS = inst.reference.data[PROP]["POINTS"]
    #             X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET = PTS[1] * -1, PTS[-1] * -1
    #         inst.data[PROP]["LOC_X"] = math.floor(points[0] + X_OFFSET)
    #         inst.data[PROP]["LOC_Y"] = math.floor(points[1] + Y_OFFSET)

    # fpga.top_module.data[PROP]["WIDTH"] = grid_plan.width + 20
    # fpga.top_module.data[PROP]["HEIGHT"] = grid_plan.height + 20
    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # #           Adjust Floorplan
    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # for cbx in fpga.top_module.get_definitions("cbx_*"):
    #     cbx.data[PROP]["COLOR"] = CBX_COLOR

    # for cby in fpga.top_module.get_definitions("cby_*"):
    #     cby.data[PROP]["COLOR"] = CBY_COLOR

    # for sb in fpga.top_module.get_definitions("sb_*"):
    #     sb.data[PROP]["COLOR"] = SB_COLOR

    # clb: sdn.Definition = next(fpga.top_module.get_definitions("grid_clb"))
    # clb.data[PROP]["COLOR"] = GRID_COLOR

    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # #           Create Tiles
    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # tp = fpga.top_module
    # inst_list = {}
    # for each in list(tp.get_instances("sb_*")):
    #     inst_col = []
    #     _, x, _, y, _ = each.name.split("_")
    #     inst = next(tp.get_instances(f"cbx_{x}__{y}_"), None)
    #     if inst:
    #         inst_col.append(inst)
    #     inst = next(tp.get_instances(f"cby_{x}__{int(y)+1}_"), None)
    #     if inst:
    #         inst_col.append(inst)
    #     if inst_col:
    #         inst_col = [each] + inst_col
    #         inst_list[each.reference.name] = inst_list.get(each.reference.name, [])
    #         inst_list[each.reference.name].append((inst_col, f"rb_{x}__{y}_"))

    # for module, merge_inst in inst_list.items():
    #     module_name = module.replace("sb", "rb")
    #     fpga.top_module.merge_multiple_instance(
    #         merge_inst, new_definition_name=module_name
    #     )

    # for sb in fpga.top_module.get_definitions("rb_*"):
    #     sb.data[PROP]["COLOR"] = SB_COLOR
    # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    # fpga.show_placement_data("rb_*")
    # # fpga.design_top_stat()

    # fp = FloorPlanViz(fpga.top_module)
    # fp.compose(skip_connections=True, skip_pins=True)
    # dwg = fp.get_svg()
    # dwg.add(grid_plan.render_grid(return_group=True))
    # dwg.saveas("_unified_routing_tile_floorplan.svg", pretty=True, indent=4)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery