Source code for

import typing
from import OuterPin as OuterPinBase

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import OuterPin as OuterPinSDN
    from import Pin as PinPhy
    OuterPinBase = type("OuterPinBase", (OuterPinSDN, PinPhy), {})

[docs]class OuterPin(OuterPinBase): ''' This class extends the default OuterPin class ''' @property def port(self): '''Return the port that the inner pin is a part of. This object cannot be modified directly by the end user.''' return self._inner_pin._port @property def get_index(self): ''' Returns python index of element As outer pins do not have port associated with it the index is copied from corrosponding innerpins ''' innerpin = self.inner_pin return innerpin._bundle().get_index(innerpin)