Source code for

''' Example plugin to extend functionality '''
import typing
import spydrnet as sdn
from import Wire as WireBase

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import Wire as WireSDN
    from import Element as ElementPhy
    WireBase = type("WireBase", (WireSDN, ElementPhy), {})

[docs]class Wire(WireBase): ''' This class extends the default Wire class ''' def _bundle(self): ''' Overrides the _bundle method from element class ''' return self._cable
[docs] def index(self): """ if this wire is in a cable, returns the index number of the wire in the parent cable, respects down_to and lower_index parameters """ assert self.cable is not None, "Wire does not belong to any cable" assert self in self.cable.wires, "Decrepancy in cable and wire mapping" indx = self.cable.wires.index(self) size = self.cable.size-1 if self.cable.is_downto: return (size-indx) + self.cable.lower_index else: return indx + self.cable.lower_index
[docs] def get_driver(self): ''' returns the driver(s) of the wire ''' drivers = [] for pin in self._pins: if pin.__class__ is sdn.InnerPin: if pin.port.direction is sdn.IN: drivers.append(pin) else: if pin.inner_pin.port.direction is sdn.OUT: drivers.append(pin) return drivers