Source code for spydrnet_physical.util.FloorPlanViz

This script implements simple floorplanning visualization using SVG images.

The visualizer uses the information stored in each Verilog object (as a PROP)
to perform shaping and placement of each block.
but there is no explicit routing performed,
all the edges are connected from point to point.

Detail of properties of different objects

**On Definitions**

``SHAPE`` =  Shape of the module [`Rect` (Default), `cross`, `custom`]

- Parameters for ``Rect``

  - ``WIDTH`` and ``HEIGHT`` = The rectangular dimension of the module

- Parameters for ``cross``

  - ``A``, ``B`` , ``C`` , ``D`` , ``E``, ``F``  =  Dimensions of the rectilinear block (as show in figure below)

- Parameters for ``custom``

  - It is represented by a sequence of numbers `<Start_direction(V/H)> <FirstPoint (int int)> <Sequence of vertical and horizontal distance>`, and the last point connects to the start point automatically
  - For example following example creates rectangle: `V 0 0 10 20 20`

.. rst-class:: ascii


                │          │
               c│          │
            b   │          │   e
         ┌──────┘          └──────┐
         │                        │
        a│                        │
         │                        │
         └──────┐          ┌──────┘
                │          │
               f│          │
                │          │
                cross Shape

**On Instances**

``LOC_X`` and ``LOC_Y`` = Location of the component with respect to its parent

**Ports Placement**:

Shape size where module port is placed [left/right/bottom/top]

Optional and valid only when shape in cross [left/right/bottom/top]

Offset from the origin of that side
The first point on the respective side in a clockwise direction is considered as the origin

.. rst-class:: ascii


            top/left │          | top/right
                     │          │
           left/top  │          │ right/top
              ┌──────┘          └──────┐
              │                        │
    left/left │           0            │ right/right
              │                        │
              └──────┐          ┌──────┘
        left/bottom  │          │ right/bottom
                     │          │
         bottom/left │          | bottom/right

        Representing SIDE/SIDE2 parameters

**TODO** Add Some sort of coordinate transformation which `scaleX` and `scaleY`.
All the inputs are in multiple SC_HEIGHT and SC_WIDTH, a default value
of these variables is set to 1


import logging
import os
import spydrnet as sdn
from import OuterPin
from svgwrite import Drawing
import numpy as np
from svgwrite.container import Group, Symbol
from svgwrite.shapes import Polyline

logger = logging.getLogger('spydrnet_logs')
base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
PROJ_BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, ".."))

PROP = "VERILOG.InlineConstraints"


            text{font-family: Verdana; font-size: 5px;}
            .module_boundary{stroke:grey; stroke-width:1;opacity: 0.8}
                text-anchor: start;
                transform: translate(5px, 00px) scale(1,-1);}
                text-anchor: end;
                transform: translate(-5px, 00px) scale(1,-1);}
                transform-box: fill-box;
                transform-origin: start;
                text-anchor: start;
                transform: translate(0px, 10px) rotate(90deg) scale(1,-1);}
                transform-box: fill-box;
                transform-origin: bottom left;
                text-anchor: start;
                transform: translate(0px, -3px) rotate(-90deg) scale(1,-1);}
            .in_pin{fill: red;}
            .out_pin{fill: blue;}

[docs]class FloorPlanViz: ''' Implmenetation of SVG Visualiser `floorplan_visualizer <reference/visualization/floorplan_visualizer.rst>`_ ''' PIN_H = 4 PIN_W = 4
[docs] def __init__(self, definition, viewbox=(0, 0, 1000, 1000)): """ Initialise the class with definition to render. Optionally, provide the Height and Width if its not set on the definition itself """ self.module = definition self.def_list = {} # Stores symbol refrences self.view_w = 0 # This variable tracks the maximum width of the SVG self.view_h = 0 # This variable tracks the maximum height of the SVG self.skip_pins = True self.custom_style = None # Create SVG drawing self.dwg = Drawing() self.dwg.viewbox(*viewbox) # Create groups in SVG image self.dwgbg = self.dwg.add(Group(id="bg")) self.core = self.dwg.add(Group(id="mainframe")) t_prop = {"transform": "scale(1,-1)"} self.dwgShapes = self.core.add(Group(id="mainShapes", **t_prop)) self.dwgText = self.core.add(Group(id="mainText", **t_prop)) self.dwgEdges = self.core.add(Group(id="edges", **t_prop))
@property def custom_style_sheet(self): ''' Return custom styles added in this visualiazer ''' return self.custom_style @custom_style_sheet.setter def custom_style_sheet(self, value): ''' Adds custom styles in this visualizer ''' self.custom_style = value
[docs] def compose(self, skip_connections=False, skip_pins=False, filter_cables=(lambda x: True)) -> Drawing: ''' Entry point to generate final SVG file args: skip_connections(bool) : Skip rednering connections beetween modules skip_pins(bool) :Skip rendering modules pins filter_cables(Callable): A callable function which filters the connections to redner ''' # Create symbol for top-module and add in svg self.skip_pins = skip_pins self.add_symbol(self.module) self.add_top_block(self.module) # Iterate over all the instaces and place for child in self.module.children: self.add_symbol(child.reference) self.add_block(child) if skip_connections: return # create connections for cable in self.module.get_cables(): if not filter_cables(cable): continue if cable.size: points = [] # Extract all connection points for p in cable.wires[0].pins: x, y = 0, 0 if isinstance(p, OuterPin): x = int([PROP].get("LOC_X", 0)) y = int([PROP].get("LOC_Y", 0)) m = p.instance.reference x += int([PROP].get(f"{}_X", 0)) y += int([PROP].get(f"{}_Y", 0)) else: x = int([PROP].get( f"{}_X", 0)) y = int([PROP].get( f"{}_Y", 0)) points.append((x, y)) # if connections found connect them in sequence if(points): self.dwgEdges.add( Polyline(points, fill="none", class_="edge", stroke="black", onmousemove=f"showTooltip(evt, '{}');", onmouseout="hideTooltip();", stroke_width="1")) return self.dwg
[docs] def add_top_block(self, top_module): """ Adds top level block in the design """ name = defDict = self.def_list[name] self.dwgShapes.add(self.dwg.use(defDict["instance"], class_=f"topModule", insert=(0, 0))) self.dwgText.add(self.dwg.text(defDict["name"], insert=(defDict["width"]*0.5, -1*defDict["height"]*0.1), fill="black", transform="scale(1,-1)", alignment_baseline="middle", text_anchor="middle")) self._update_viewbox(defDict["width"], defDict["height"])
[docs] def add_symbol(self, module): """ Inserts symbols in the SVG file """ if "ASSIG" in return if self.def_list.get(, None): return self.def_list[] shape =[PROP].get("SHAPE", "rect") if shape.lower() == "cross": new_def = self._add_rect_linear_symbol(module) elif shape.lower() == "custom": new_def = self._add_custom_symbol(module) else: new_def = self._add_rect_symbol(module) self.dwg.defs.add(new_def) return new_def
[docs] def add_block(self, instance): """ Iterates over each instance and adds them in SVG file """ name = if "ASSIG" in name: return defDict = self.def_list[name] loc_x = int([PROP].get("LOC_X", 0)) loc_y = int([PROP].get("LOC_Y", 0)) inst_label =[PROP].get("LABEL", "") self.dwgShapes.add( self.dwg.use( defDict["instance"], class_=f"{} {defDict['name']}", insert=(loc_x, loc_y), ) ) module_name = self.dwg.tspan(text=f"[{}]", insert=self._get_label_location(instance), dy=["1.2em", ]) module_text = self.dwg.text( f"{}", insert=self._get_label_location(instance), transform="scale(1,-1)", fill="black", class_=f"{} {defDict['name']}", alignment_baseline="middle", text_anchor="middle", ) module_text.add(module_name) module_label =[PROP].get('LABEL', None) if module_label: module_text.add(self.dwg.tspan( insert=self._get_label_location(instance), text=f"{module_label} {inst_label}", dy=["2.4em", ])) self.dwgText.add(module_text)
def _get_label_location(self, instance) -> tuple: ''' Return the label location given the verilog instance Always in the center of the shape ''' defDict = self.def_list[] loc_x = int([PROP].get("LOC_X", 0)) loc_y = int([PROP].get("LOC_Y", 0)) loc_x += defDict["width"]*0.5 loc_y += defDict["height"]*0.5 loc_y *= -1 return (loc_x, loc_y) # =================================================== # Methods for shapes and pin addition # =================================================== def _add_rect_symbol(self, module: sdn.Definition) -> None: width = int([PROP].get("WIDTH", 10)) height = int([PROP].get("HEIGHT", 10)) COLOR =[PROP].get("COLOR", "#f4f0e6") new_def = self.dwg.symbol( self.def_list[] = { "name":, "instance": new_def, "shape": "rect", "points": None, "width": width, "height": height, } new_def.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(1, 1), size=(width-1, height-1), fill=COLOR, class_=f"module_boundary {}")) if not self.skip_pins: self._add_rect_symbol_pins(module, new_def) return new_def def _add_rect_linear_symbol_pins(self, module: sdn.Definition, new_def: Symbol) -> None: ''' Adds ``rect_linear`` modules in the SVG symbol list ''' a, b, c, d, e, f = map(int,[PROP].get("POINTS", [10]*6)) width = b+d+e height = a+c+f for port in module.ports: p = SIDE =[PROP].get(f"SIDE", "center") SIDE2 =[PROP].get(f"SIDE2", "center") OFFSET = int([PROP].get(f"OFFSET", 0)) LOC_X, LOC_Y, PIN_DIR = { "left": { "top": (OFFSET, a+f, TOP_PIN), "bottom": (OFFSET, f, BOTTOM_PIN), "center": (0, f+OFFSET, LEFT_PIN), }, "right": { "top": (b+d+OFFSET, a+f, TOP_PIN), "bottom": (b+d+OFFSET, f, BOTTOM_PIN), "center": (width, f+OFFSET, RIGHT_PIN), }, "bottom": { "left": (b, OFFSET, LEFT_PIN), "right": (b+d, OFFSET, RIGHT_PIN), "center": (b+OFFSET, 0, BOTTOM_PIN), }, "top": { "left": (b, a+f+OFFSET, LEFT_PIN), "right": (b+d, a+f+OFFSET, RIGHT_PIN), "center": (b+OFFSET, height, TOP_PIN), }, "center": { "center": (width*0.5, height*0.5, TOP_PIN) }}[SIDE][SIDE2] pin_w, pin_h, mult = (self.PIN_W, self.PIN_H, -1) if PIN_DIR in [LEFT_PIN, RIGHT_PIN] \ else (self.PIN_H, self.PIN_W, 1) new_def.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(LOC_X-pin_w*0.5, LOC_Y-pin_h*0.5), size=(pin_w, pin_h), class_=f"module_pin {str(port.direction).split('.')[-1].lower()}_pin", onmousemove=f"showTooltip(evt, '{}');", onmouseout="hideTooltip();", stroke_width=0)) new_def.add(self.dwg.text(, insert=(LOC_X-pin_w*0.5, mult * (LOC_Y-pin_h*0.5)), class_=f"pin {SIDE}_pin {SIDE2}_pin",))[PROP][f"{p}_X"] = LOC_X[PROP][f"{p}_Y"] = LOC_Y def _add_rect_linear_symbol(self, module: sdn.Definition) -> None: a, b, c, d, e, f = map(int,[PROP].get("POINTS", [10]*6)) COLOR =[PROP].get("COLOR", "#f4f0e6") new_def = self.dwg.symbol( self.def_list[] = { "name":, "instance": new_def, "shape": "cross", "a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": d, "e": e, "f": f, "width": b+d+e, "height": a+c+f, } path = f"M {b} 0 v {f} h {-1*b} v {a} h {b} " path += f" v {c} h {d} v {-1*c} h {e} v {-1*a} " path += f" h {-1*e} v {-1*f} Z" path += f" Z" new_def.add(self.dwg.path(d=path, fill=COLOR, class_=f"module_boundary {}")) if not self.skip_pins: self._add_rect_linear_symbol_pins(module, new_def) return new_def def _add_custom_symbol(self, module: sdn.Definition) -> None: ''' Format = [<start_dir> 0 0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Z] ''' path =[PROP].get("POINTS", "v 0 0 10 10 -10 -10").split() start_dir = path[0] origin = path[1:3] path = list(map(int, map(float, path[3:]))) COLOR =[PROP].get("COLOR", "#f4f0e6") minY = min(np.cumsum(path[::2])) minX = min(np.cumsum(path[1::2])) HEIGHT = max(np.cumsum(path[::2]))-minY WIDTH = max(np.cumsum(path[1::2]))-minX svg_path = "m {} {} ".format(*origin) for eachpt in zip(path[::2], path[1::2]): svg_path += "v {} h {} ".format(*eachpt) svg_path += " z" if start_dir.lower() == "h": WIDTH, HEIGHT = HEIGHT, WIDTH minX, minY = minY, minX svg_path = svg_path.replace("v", "vv") svg_path = svg_path.replace("h", "v") svg_path = svg_path.replace("vv", "h") new_def = self.dwg.symbol(, viewBox=f"{minX} {minY} {WIDTH} {HEIGHT} ") # SVGwrite does not support addding width and height attribute to # symbol element, tis is workaround new_def._parameter.debug = False new_def.attribs["width"] = WIDTH new_def.attribs["height"] = HEIGHT new_def.add(self.dwg.path(d=svg_path, fill=COLOR, class_=f"module_boundary {}")) self.def_list[] = { "name":, "instance": new_def, "shape": "custom", "llx": origin[0], "lly": origin[1], "path": path, "width": WIDTH, "height": HEIGHT, } # TODO: Perform pin placement for the path shape # if not self.skip_pins: # self._add_rect_linear_symbol_pins(module, new_def) return new_def def _add_rect_symbol_pins(self, module: sdn.Definition, new_def: Symbol) -> None: ''' Adds pins on the rectangular shpapes ''' width = int([PROP].get("WIDTH", 10)) height = int([PROP].get("HEIGHT", 10)) for port in module.ports: p = SIDE =[PROP].get(f"SIDE", []) OFFSET = int([PROP].get(f"OFFSET", 0)) if 'left' in SIDE: LOC_X, LOC_Y = 2, OFFSET pin_w, pin_h = self.PIN_W, self.PIN_H mult = -1 elif 'right' in SIDE: LOC_X, LOC_Y = width-1, height-OFFSET pin_w, pin_h = self.PIN_W, self.PIN_H mult = -1 elif 'bottom' in SIDE: LOC_X, LOC_Y = width-OFFSET+1, 2 pin_w, pin_h = self.PIN_H, self.PIN_W mult = 1 elif 'top' in SIDE: LOC_X, LOC_Y = width-OFFSET+1, height-1-self.PIN_W pin_w, pin_h = self.PIN_H, self.PIN_W mult = 1 else: LOC_X, LOC_Y = width/2, height/2 pin_w, pin_h = self.PIN_W, self.PIN_H mult = -1 new_def.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(LOC_X-pin_w*0.5, LOC_Y-pin_h*0.5), size=(pin_w, pin_h), class_=f"module_pin {str(port.direction).split('.')[-1].lower()}_pin", onmousemove=f"showTooltip(evt, '{}');", onmouseout="hideTooltip();", stroke_width=0)) new_def.add(self.dwg.text(, insert=(LOC_X-pin_w*0.5, mult * (LOC_Y-pin_h*0.5)), class_=f"pin {SIDE}_pin",)) # transform=f"translate({OFF_X}, {OFF_Y}) rotate({ROT}) " + "scale(1,-1)",[PROP][f"{p}_X"] = LOC_X[PROP][f"{p}_Y"] = LOC_Y # =================================================== # SVG Rendering Related # =================================================== def _update_viewbox(self, x, y): ''' Updates the view box x and y value provided before saving image ''' self.view_w = self.view_w if self.view_w > x else x self.view_h = self.view_h if self.view_h > y else y
[docs] def add_stylehseet(self): ''' Adds custom stylesheet to the SVG image ''' self.dwg.defs.add( if self.custom_style: self.dwg.defs.add(
def _add_background(self, bgColor="#FFF"): self.dwgbg.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(-25, -25), size=(self.view_w+50, self.view_h+50), id=f"background", fill=bgColor, stroke_width=0)) self.dwg.viewbox(-50, -1*(self.view_h+100), self.view_w+100, self.view_h+100) self.dwg.add(self.dwg.rect( insert=(0, 0), size=(10, 10), class_="origin"))
[docs] def get_svg(self): ''' Returns SVG string of the current floorplan ''' self.add_stylehseet() self._add_background() return self.dwg
[docs] def get_html(self): ''' Adds the SVG image to HTML page which supports zoom and pan control using d3.js ''' self.get_svg() static_root = os.path.join(PROJ_BASE_DIR, "support_files") with open(os.path.join(static_root, "html_templates", "svg_render.html"), "rb") as fp: content = script = """function load_svg() {"#svgViewer").html(`%s`)}""" % self.dwg.tostring() content = content.replace( 'onload="init_websocket();"'.encode(), 'onload="load_svg();"'.encode(), ) content = content.replace( '// <ADDITIONAL JS>'.encode(), script.encode(), ) return content