Source code for spydrnet_physical.util.get_names

import logging
from spydrnet import ir
from types import GeneratorType

logger = logging.getLogger("spydrnet_logs")

[docs]def get_names(objects): """ Returns name name of the verilog object (if the it contains name property) args: object(list[Cable, Port, Definition, Instance]): pass list of objects returns: (list[str]) : list of """ names = [] if not isinstance(objects, (list, tuple, GeneratorType)): objects = tuple( [ objects, ] ) for each in objects: if isinstance(each, (ir.Cable, ir.Port, ir.Definition, ir.Instance)): names.append( else: logger.warning("Skipping unsupport object %s", type(each)) return names
[docs]def get_attr(objects, attr): """ Returns specific attribute from the properties of the object args: object(list[Cable, Port, Definition, Instance]): pass list of objects returns: (list[str]) : list of """ return [getattr(each, attr, None) for each in objects]