Source code for spydrnet_physical.util.openfpga

This is OpenFPGA generated Verilog Netlist Parser Class

import logging
import math
import os
import pickle
import re
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable

import spydrnet as sdn
from spydrnet_physical.util import FPGAGridGen, initial_placement

logger = logging.getLogger("spydrnet_logs")

PROP = "VERILOG.InlineConstraints"

[docs]class OpenFPGA: """ This is top-level clas of OpenFPGa which provides methods for different generic netlist restructuring """ SC_HEIGHT = 1 CPP = 0.2 GLOBAL_SCALE = 100 SC_GRID = SC_HEIGHT * CPP
[docs] def __init__( self, grid, netlist=None, verilog_files=None, cell_files=None, library="work", top_module="fpga_top", arch_xml=None, ): """ Init class with OpenFPGA netlist args: grid (int, int): Size of the FPGA grid netlist (sdn.netlist): Pass OpenFPGA core netlist library (str): library name top_module (str): top_module name """ self.fpga_size = list(grid) if netlist: self._netlist = netlist elif verilog_files: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".v") as fp: for each_file in verilog_files: with open(each_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as fpv: fp.write(str.encode(" ".join(fpv.readlines()))) if cell_files: fp.write("`celldefine\n".encode()) for each_file in cell_files: with open(each_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as fpv: fp.write(str.encode(" ".join(fpv.readlines()))) fp.write("`endcelldefine\n".encode()) self._netlist = sdn.parse( else: logger.error("Provide verilog either verilog files or netlist object") self._library = next(self._netlist.get_libraries(library)) self._top_module = next(self._library.get_definitions(top_module)) self._netlist.top_instance = self._top_module self.written_modules = [] # Stores written definitions names self.write_modules_paths = [] # Stores written definitions names self.tile_creator = None self.config_creator = None if arch_xml: self.load_grid(arch_xml) else: self.fpga_grid = None self.register_placement_creator(initial_placement)
@property def netlist(self): """ Returns library """ return self._netlist @property def library(self): """ Returns library """ return self._library @property def top_module(self) -> sdn.Definition: """ Returns top_module """ return self._top_module
[docs] def register_tile_generator(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): """ This registers the tile generator class to OpenFPGA base class """ self.tile_creator = cls( self.fpga_size, self._netlist, self.library, self._top_module, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def register_config_generator(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): """ This registers the tile generator class to OpenFPGA base class """ self.config_creator = cls( self.fpga_size, self._netlist, self.library, self._top_module, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def register_placement_creator(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): """ This registers the tile generator class to OpenFPGA base class """ self.placement_creator = cls( self.fpga_size, self._netlist, self.fpga_grid, *args, **kwargs ) self.placement_creator.CPP = self.CPP self.placement_creator.SC_HEIGHT = self.SC_HEIGHT self.placement_creator.SC_GRID = self.CPP * self.SC_HEIGHT
[docs] def create_tiles(self): """ proxy function to create_tiles method of tile_creator class """ if not self.tile_creator: logger.error("tile_creator not registered") return self.tile_creator.create_tiles()
[docs] def add_configuration_scheme(self): """ proxy function to create_tiles method of tile_creator class """ if not self.config_creator: logger.error("config_creator not registered") return self.config_creator.add_configuration_scheme()
[docs] def create_placement(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Proxy fucntion to add placement and shaping information to each instance """ if not self.placement_creator: logger.error("placement_creator not registered") return self.placement_creator.create_placement(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def place_pins(self): """ This adds pin placment nforamtion to tile instances """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def render_floorplan(self): """This method runs the fpga render class to assign shape and location to each module instance""" pass
@staticmethod def get_custom_boundary(points): path = points.split() direction = path[0].lower() origin = path[1:3] boundary = [int(float(origin[0])), int(float(origin[1]))] for pt in map(int, map(float, path[3:])): if direction == "v": boundary.extend([boundary[-2], boundary[-1] + pt]) direction = "h" else: boundary.extend([boundary[-2] + pt, boundary[-1]]) direction = "v" offset_x = -1 * int(min(map(float, boundary[::2]))) offset_y = -1 * int(min(map(float, boundary[1::2]))) for indx in range(0, len(boundary), 2): boundary[indx] += offset_x boundary[indx + 1] += offset_y return boundary @staticmethod def get_cross_shape_boundary(points): a, b, c, d, e, f = points sequence = [ (b, 0), (b, f), (0, f), (0, (f + a)), (b, (f + a)), (b, (a + c + f)), ((b + d), (a + c + f)), ((b + d), (a + f)), ((b + d + e), (a + f)), ((b + d + e), f), ((b + d), f), ((b + d), 0), ] seen = set() u = [x for x in sequence if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))] return [val for sublist in u for val in sublist]
[docs] def save_shaping_data(self, pattern="*", scale=None, filename=None, custom_entry=None): """ Save the shaping data """ output = [] scale = scale or self.GLOBAL_SCALE output.append( "{:^20} {:^20} {:^10} {:^10} {:^5} {:^8} {:<20}".format( "INSTANCE", "MODULE", "LOC_X", "LOC_Y", "SHAPE", "BBOX_PT", "POINTS" ) ) output.append(" = =" * 30) for instance in sorted( list(self.top_module.get_instances(pattern)), key=lambda x: ): if "ASSIG" in continue if"const"): continue S ="SHAPE", "rect") W ="WIDTH", 0) H ="HEIGHT", 0) P ="POINTS", 0) points = ( self.get_cross_shape_boundary(P) if S == "cross" else (0, 0, 0, H, W, H, W, 0) if S == "rect" else self.get_custom_boundary(P) if S == "custom" else logger.exception( "Unknown shape %s on module %s", S, ) ) output.append( "{:^20} {:^20} {: 10.{precision}f} {: 10.{precision}f} {:^8} {:^5} {:20}".format(,, scale *"LOC_X", 0), scale *"LOC_Y", 0), S, 4 if S == "rect" else int(len(points) / 2), " ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x*scale: 6.3f}", points)), precision=int(round(math.log(1 / scale, 10))), ) ) W = float("WIDTH", 1000)) H = float("HEIGHT", 1000)) output.append( "{:^20} {:^20} {: 10.{precision}f} {: 10.{precision}f} {:^8} {:^5} {:20}".format(,, 0, 0, "rect", 4, " ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x*scale: 6.3f}", (0, 0, 0, H, W, H, W, 0))), precision=int(round(math.log(1 / scale, 10))), ) ) if custom_entry: for p in custom_entry: output.append( "{:^20} {:^20} {: 10.{precision}f} {: 10.{precision}f} {:^8} {:^5} {:20}".format( *p, precision=int(round(math.log(1 / scale, 10))), ) ) if filename: with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(output)) fp.write("\n") return output
[docs] def show_placement_data(self, pattern="*", filename=None): """ This shows the placement data of each instance on the screen """ output = [] output.append(" = =" * 30) # fmt: off output.append("%20s %20s %5s %8s %8s %8s %8s %20s" % ("INSTANCE", "MODULE", "LOC_X", "LOC_Y", "WIDTH", "HEIGHT", "SHAPE", "POINTS")) # fmt: on output.append(" = =" * 30) for instance in self.top_module.get_instances(pattern): output.append( f"{} " + f"{} " + f"{'LOC_X', 0): 5d} " + f"{'LOC_Y', 0): 5d} " + f"{'WIDTH', 0):5d} " + f"{'HEIGHT', 0):5d} " + f"{'SHAPE', '--'):8s} " ) print("\n".join(output)) if filename: with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(output))
[docs] def show_utilization_data(self, pattern="*", filename=None): """ Show the utilization of the modules """ output = [] output.append(" = =" * 30) output.append( f"{'MODULE':>20s} {'SHAPE':8s} {'UTIL %':6} {'AREA':>16} {'SC_AREA_GRID':>16} {'SC_AREA_UM':>16}" + f"{'WIDTH':>8} {'HEIGHT':>8} {'POINTS':<10}" ) output.append(" = =" * 30) seen = [] for instance in self.top_module.get_instances(pattern): if in seen: continue if "ASSIG" in continue if"const"): continue output.append( "{:<20s} {:8s} {:.2%} {:16.2f} {:16d} {:16.2f} {:8} {:8} {}".format(,"SHAPE", "--"), instance.reference.utilization, instance.reference.area,"AREA", 0),"AREA_UM", 0),"WIDTH", 0),"HEIGHT", 0),"POINTS", "--"), ) ) seen.append( print("\n".join(output)) if filename: with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(output))
[docs] def design_instance_map(self, pattern="*", quiet=False): """ Returns instance current netlist instance map """ design = self._top_module inst_cnt = {} for inst in design.children: if "ASSIG" in continue if"const"): continue if fnmatch(, pattern): if not in inst_cnt.keys(): inst_cnt[] = [] inst_cnt[].append( return OrderedDict(sorted(inst_cnt.items(), reverse=True))
[docs] def design_top_stat(self, pattern="*", quiet=False, filename=None, function=()): """ Get statistics of the top module Reference Count ======================== """ output_str = [] design = self._top_module inst_cnt = {} for inst in design.children: if "ASSIG" in continue if"const"): continue if fnmatch(, pattern): inst_cnt[] = 1 + inst_cnt.get(, 0) inst_cnt = OrderedDict( sorted(inst_cnt.items(), reverse=True, key=lambda t: t[1]) ) output_str.append("= = " * 10) output_str.append("= = " * 3 + " DESIGN STATS " + "= " * 7) output_str.append("= = " * 10) output_str.append(f" top_module : {}") output_str.append(f" definitions: {len(inst_cnt)}") output_str.append(f" instances : {sum([v for _, v in inst_cnt.items()])}") output_str.append("= = " * 10) output_str.append("{: >20} {: >8}".format("References", "count")) output_str.append("- - " * 10) for def_ in sorted(inst_cnt.keys()): if fnmatch(def_, pattern): output_str.append( "{: >20} {: >8}".format( def_ if len(def_) < 20 else f"...{def_[-17:]}", inst_cnt[def_] ) ) for each in function: output_str[-1] += each(next(design.get_definitions(def_))) if not quiet: print("\n".join(output_str)) if filename: with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as file_ptr: file_ptr.write("\n".join(output_str)) return inst_cnt
[docs] def remove_direct_interc(self): """ Removes direct interconnects from the OpenFPGA netlist """ direct_interc = next(self._top_module.get_definitions("direct_*"), None) if not direct_interc: return ports = { p for p in direct_interc.get_ports()} for each in list(self._top_module.get_instances("direct_interc_*")): wire_from = each.pins[ports["in"].pins[0]].wire wire_to = each.pins[ports["out"].pins[0]].wire for eachpin in wire_to.pins: wire_to.disconnect_pin(eachpin) wire_from.connect_pin(eachpin) self._top_module.remove_child(each)
[docs] def merge_all_grid_ios(self): """ This method creates the group of ``grid_io`` and neighbouring ``connection_box`` whichcna be merge. Variable ``cb_list``, ``grid_io_list`` first creates the list of instances on the periphery of the FPGA, starting from the left bottom corner and going clockwise ``merge_list`` is a dictionary which creates the group of instances for different unique pairs of the IO and CB blocks """ WIDTH = self.fpga_size[0] HEIGHT = self.fpga_size[1] label = ( ["cby*"] * HEIGHT + ["cbx*"] * WIDTH + ["cby*"] * HEIGHT + ["cbx*"] * WIDTH ) x_pts = ( [0] * HEIGHT + list(range(1, WIDTH + 1)) + [WIDTH] * HEIGHT + list(range(WIDTH, 0, -1)) ) y_pts = ( list(range(1, HEIGHT)) + [HEIGHT] * (WIDTH + 1) + list(range(HEIGHT, 0, -1)) + [0] * WIDTH ) cb_list = ["%s_%d__%d_" % (each) for each in zip(label, x_pts, y_pts)] label = ( ["grid*left*"] * HEIGHT + ["grid*top*"] * WIDTH + ["grid*right*"] * HEIGHT + ["grid*bottom*"] * WIDTH ) x_pts = ( [0] * HEIGHT + list(range(1, WIDTH + 1)) + [WIDTH + 1] * HEIGHT + list(range(WIDTH, 0, -1)) ) y_pts = ( list(range(1, HEIGHT + 1)) + [HEIGHT + 1] * (WIDTH) + list(range(HEIGHT, 0, -1)) + [0] * WIDTH ) grid_io_list = ["%s_%d__%d_" % (each) for each in zip(label, x_pts, y_pts)] merge_list = {} for cb, io in zip(cb_list, grid_io_list): try: io = next(self._netlist.get_instances(io)) cb = next(self._netlist.get_instances(cb)) except StopIteration: logger.warning("Missing instance %s %s", cb, io) continue lbl = f"{}_{}" merge_list[lbl] = merge_list.get(lbl, []) merge_list[lbl] += [((io, cb), + "_new")] new_defs = [] for _, instance_list in merge_list.items(): new_module_name = instance_list[0][0][1] + "_new" mainDef, instance_list = self.top_module.merge_multiple_instance( instance_list, new_definition_name=new_module_name ) new_defs.append(next(self.library.get_definitions(new_module_name))) new_defs[-1].OptPins() next(self.library.get_definitions([:-4])).name += "_old" =[:-4] for inst in instance_list: =[:-4] return new_defs
[docs] def remove_config_chain(self, name="ccff_"): """Remove configuration chain from design""" cable_list = [] for cable in list(self.top_module.get_cables(f"*{name}*")): cable_list.append( for pin in list(cable.wires[0].pins): if isinstance(pin, sdn.OuterPin): pin.wire.disconnect_pin(pin) if not cable.is_port_cable: self.top_module.remove_cable(cable) return cable_list
[docs] def remove_undriven_nets(self, pattern="*"): """ Removes undriven/floating nets from the top level the net name with undriven keyword in the name is considered as floating nets """ removed_cables = [] for cable in self._top_module.get_cables(f"*undriven{pattern}"): removed_cables.append( for wire in cable.wires: for pin in wire.pins: wire.disconnect_pin(pin) self._top_module.remove_cable(cable) return removed_cables
# def _convert_to_bus(self, module: sdn.Definition, in_patt: str, # out_patt: str, sort_pins: (Callable) = None): # """ # Convertes matching `in_patt` pins to bus with `out_patt` name # """ # def get_pins(x): return fnmatch(, in_patt) # ports = list(module.get_ports(filter=get_pins)) # port_names = [ for port in ports] # suffix = os.path.commonprefix(port_names) # pre_fix = os.path.commonprefix([each[::-1] for each in port_names]) # port_names = [each.replace(suffix,"") for each in port_names] # port_names = [each.replace(pre_fix, "") for each in port_names] # def sort_pins(x): return int(port_names[ports.index(x)]) # if ports: # ports = sorted(ports, key=sort_pins) # return module.combine_ports(out_patt, ports) def _convert_to_bus( self, module: sdn.Definition, in_patt: str, out_patt: str, sort_pins: (Callable) = None, is_downto=True, ): """ Convertes matching `in_patt` pins to bus with `out_patt` name """ new_port, new_cable = None, None def get_pins(x): return fnmatch(, in_patt) ports = list(module.get_ports(filter=get_pins)) if sort_pins: ports = sorted(ports, keys=sort_pins) if ports: new_port, new_cable = module.combine_ports(out_patt, ports, is_downto) return new_port, new_cable
[docs] def create_grid_io_bus(self, inpad="inpad", outpad="outpad", sort_pins=None): """ Convert `grid_io` Input/Output pins to bus structure :: # Input Pins right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_inpad_0_ -> io_right_in left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_inpad_0_ -> io_left_in top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_inpad_0_ -> io_top_in bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_inpad_0_ -> io_bottom_in # Output Pins right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_0_ -> io_right_out left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_0_ -> io_left_out top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_0_ -> io_top_out bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_0_ -> io_bottom_out """ sides = ("left", "top", "right", "bottom") # ========= grid_io renaming ========= for grid_io in self._library.get_definitions("grid_io*"): for side in sides: # Input pins self._convert_to_bus( grid_io, f"{side}*_pin_{inpad}_*", f"io_{side}_in", sort_pins=sort_pins, ) self._convert_to_bus( grid_io, f"{side}*_pin_{outpad}_*", f"io_{side}_out", sort_pins=sort_pins, )
[docs] def create_grid_clb_bus(self, pins=None, grid_module="grid_clb"): """ Convert `grid_clb` Input/Output pins to bus structure :: # Input Pins right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_0_ -> grid_right_in left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_0_ -> grid_left_in top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_0_ -> grid_top_in bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_0_ -> grid_bottom_in # Output Pins right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_0_ -> grid_right_out left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_0_ -> grid_left_out top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_0_ -> grid_top_out bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_0_ -> grid_bottom_out """ sides = ("left", "top", "right", "bottom") pins = (pins or []) + [("I", "in"), ("O", "out")] # ========= grid_clb renaming ========= for grid_clb in self._library.get_definitions(f"{grid_module}*"): for side in sides: # Input pins for pin in pins: self._convert_to_bus( grid_clb, f"{side}*_pin_{pin[0]}_*", f"grid_{side}_{pin[1]}" )
[docs] def create_sb_bus(self, pins=None): """ Convert `sb` Input pins to bus structure :: # Input Pins top_left_grid_right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_top_l_in top_right_grid_left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_top_r_in bottom_left_grid_right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_bottom_l_in bottom_right_grid_left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_bottom_r_in left_top_grid_bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_left_t_in left_bottom_grid_top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_left_b_in right_top_grid_bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_right_t_in right_bottom_grid_top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_O_*_ -> sb_right_b_in """ pins = (pins or []) + [("O", "in"), ("inpad", "inpad")] sides = ("top", "right", "bottom", "left") for sb in self._library.get_definitions("sb_*"): for s1 in sides: for s2 in sides: # input pins from each corner for pin in pins: self._convert_to_bus( sb, f"{s1}_{s2}_grid_*_pin_{pin[0]}_*", f"grid_{s1}_{s2[0]}_{pin[1]}", )
[docs] def create_cb_bus(self, pins=None): """ Convert `cb` Input pins to bus structure :: right_grid_left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_*_ -> grid_right_in left_grid_right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_*_ -> grid_left_in top_grid_bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_*_ -> grid_top_in bottom_grid_top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_I_*_ -> grid_bottom_in right_grid_left_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_*_ -> grid_right_in left_grid_right_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_*_ -> grid_left_in top_grid_bottom_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_*_ -> grid_top_in bottom_grid_top_width_0_height_0_subtile_*__pin_outpad_*_ -> grid_bottom_in """ pins = (pins or []) + [("I", "out"), ("outpad", "outpad")] sides = ("top", "right", "bottom", "left") for cbx in self._library.get_definitions("cb?_*"): for indx, s1 in enumerate(sides): # Input pins for pin in pins: self._convert_to_bus( cbx, f"*{s1}_grid_*__pin_{pin[0]}_*", f"grid_{s1}_{pin[1]}" )
def _get_cordinates(self, name): x, y = map(int, re.match(r".*_(\w+)__(\w+)_", name).groups()) return x, y def _create_grid_out_feedthrough(self, clb, side): ft_map = {} for grid in clb.references: cable = grid.get_port_cables(f"grid_{side}_out")[0] x, y = self._get_cordinates( through_inst_name = { "left": f"cby_{x-1}__{y+0}_", "right": f"cby_{x-0}__{y+0}_", "top": f"cbx_{x+0}__{y+0}_", "bottom": f"cbx_{x+0}__{y-1}_", }[side] through_inst = next(self._top_module.get_instances(through_inst_name)) ref_name = ft_map[ref_name] = ft_map.get(ref_name, []) ft_map[ref_name].append((cable, (through_inst,))) for ref_name, inst_map in ft_map.items(): cables, new_ports = self._top_module.create_ft_multiple(inst_map) side1, side2, oppo_side = { "left": ("top", "bottom", "right"), "right": ("top", "bottom", "left"), "top": ("left", "right", "bottom"), "bottom": ("left", "right", "top"), }[side] new_ports[0][0].change_name(f"grid_{oppo_side}_in") new_ports[0][1].change_name(f"grid_{side1}_{side[0]}_out") for cable in cables: ="_out_", f"_{side1}_out_") cables, new_ports = self._top_module.create_ft_multiple(inst_map) new_ports[0][0].change_name(f"grid_{oppo_side}_in2") new_ports[0][1].change_name(f"grid_{side2}_{side[0]}_out") for cable in cables: ="_out_", f"_{side2}_out_") next(self._library.get_definitions(ref_name)).OptPins()
[docs] def create_grid_clb_feedthroughs(self): """ Creates feedthrough for ``grid_clb`` outputs, to convert digonal connections to horizontal and vertical `grid_clb` output on each side is feedthrough from connection box as shown in the following example (onle left side feedthroughs are shown) .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ +-----+ | | | | | +--+ | +--+ | SB | | SB | | +-++ | +--+ | | | | | +-----+ | +--+--+ | +------ | +------ +-----+ | | +-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ CLB | +-------+ CLB | CBX | | | | | | | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | | | | +-----+ | +------ +--+--+ +------ | | | | | | +-++ | +--+ | SB | | SB | | +--+ | +--+ | | | | +-----+ +-----+ Before After feedthrough creations """ clb = next(self._library.get_definitions("grid_clb")) self._create_grid_out_feedthrough(clb, "left") self._create_grid_out_feedthrough(clb, "right") self._create_grid_out_feedthrough(clb, "top") self._create_grid_out_feedthrough(clb, "bottom")
def clear_written_modules(self): while self.written_modules: self.written_modules.pop() while self.write_modules_paths: self.write_modules_paths.pop() def write_include_file(self, filename, relative_from=None): relative_from = relative_from or os.environ.get("VERILOG_PROJ_DIR", "") with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: for filepath in self.write_modules_paths: filepath = Path(filepath).relative_to(relative_from) fp.write(f'`include "{filepath}"' + "\n")
[docs] def save_netlist( self, pattern="*", location=".", sort_all=False, skip_constraints=True, sort_cables=False, sort_instances=False, sort_ports=False, write_blackbox=True, ): """ Save verilog files """ for definition in sorted( list(self._library.get_definitions(pattern)), key=lambda x: ): if in self.written_modules: continue # if sort_ports: # definition._ports.sort( # key=lambda x: str(x._direction) + # if sort_cables: # definition._cables.sort(key=lambda x: # if sort_instances: # definition._children.sort(key=lambda x: logger.debug("Writing %s", Path(location).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(location, f"{}.v") sdn.compose( self._netlist, filename=filepath, sort_all=sort_all, skip_constraints=skip_constraints, definition_list=[], write_blackbox=write_blackbox, ) self.write_modules_paths.append(filepath) self.written_modules.append( return self.written_modules
def load_grid(self, pickle_path) -> FPGAGridGen: if isinstance(pickle_path, FPGAGridGen): self.fpga_grid = pickle_path else: with open(pickle_path, "rb") as fp: self.fpga_grid: FPGAGridGen = pickle.load(fp)
[docs] def get_top_instance(self, x, y): """ This method generates the grid instance information given the cordinate points """ return self.fpga_grid.get_top_instance(x, y)
[docs] def fix_grid_pin_names( self, regex=r".*__pin_(.*)_0_", module="grid_*", name_map=None ): """ This method is used to fix the pin names on the grid modules Args: regex(str): Regex string used to extract the name of the port """ name_map = name_map or (lambda x: x) eachmodule: sdn.module for eachmodule in self.top_module.get_definitions(module): logger.debug("Fixing pins on %s module", top_port: sdn.Port for top_port in eachmodule.get_ports("*"): pin_name = re.match(regex, if pin_name: pin_name = name_map(pin_name.groups()[0]) logger.debug("%s =>> %s",, pin_name) top_port.change_name(pin_name)
[docs] def annotate_area_information(self, filename, skipline=0): """ This method annotated the area infomration on each definition of the top level module """ with open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: for line in fp.readlines()[skipline:]: if not (line): continue line = line.replace(",", " ") module = line.split()[0] area = line.split()[1] or 0 area_grid = int( float(area) * (self.GLOBAL_SCALE**2) / (self.SC_HEIGHT * self.CPP) ) try: ref = next(self.top_module.get_definitions(module)) logger.debug( "%s [%s] area is set to %d %f",, module, int(area_grid), float(area), )[PROP]["AREA"] = int(area_grid)[PROP]["AREA_UM"] = float(area) * (self.GLOBAL_SCALE**2) except StopIteration: logger.warning( "Area annotation: %s not found in the netlist ", module )
[docs] def annotate_shaping_information(self, filename, skipline=2): """ This method annotated the area infomration on each definition of the top level module """ with open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: for line in fp.readlines()[skipline:]: if not (line): continue line = line.replace(",", " ") INSTANCE, MODULE, LOC_X, LOC_Y = line.split()[:4] points = line.split()[6:] try: if == INSTANCE: inst = self.netlist.top_instance else: inst = next(self.top_module.get_instances(INSTANCE))[PROP]["LOC_X"] = int(float(LOC_X) * self.GLOBAL_SCALE)[PROP]["LOC_Y"] = int(float(LOC_Y) * self.GLOBAL_SCALE) inst.reference[PROP]["WIDTH"] = int(float(points[4])*self.GLOBAL_SCALE) inst.reference[PROP]["HEIGHT"] = int(float(points[5])*self.GLOBAL_SCALE) except StopIteration: logger.warning( "shaping annotation: %s[%s] not found in the netlist ", INSTANCE, MODULE, )
# print the hierarchy of a netlist def hierarchy( self, current_instance, indentation="", level=0, max_depth=10, output="" ): if level > max_depth: return output reference = ( current_instance.reference if isinstance(current_instance, sdn.Instance) else current_instance ) inst_name = ( if isinstance(current_instance, sdn.Instance) else "" ) if not ("SDN_VERILOG" in line = f"{indentation} {level} {inst_name}" + f"[{}]\n" output += line print(line, end="") for child in reference.children: output = self.hierarchy( child, indentation + " ", level + 1, max_depth=max_depth, output=output, ) return output
[docs] def update_module_label(self, get_label=None): """ Adde area information to label """ def add_area_detail(ref): util = ref.utilization[PROP]["UTIL"] = util return f"[{util:.2%}]" get_label = get_label or add_area_detail for inst in self.top_module.get_instances("*"): ref = inst.reference[PROP]["LABEL"] = get_label(ref)
# if util > 0.9: # ADDITIONAL_STYLES += f".{}" + \ # "{fill:#b22222 !important;}\n"
[docs] def get_overutils_styles(self, target=0.95, color="#D60B00"): """ Analyzes utilisation of each module and returns CSS string to highlight in the SVG """ additional_styles = "" for eachmdoule in self.top_module.get_definitions(): if eachmdoule.utilization > target: additional_styles += ( f"\n.{}" + f"{{ fill: {color} !important }} \n" ) return additional_styles