Source code for spydrnet_physical.util.routing_render

import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from pprint import pprint
from svgwrite import Drawing, shapes
from svgwrite.container import Group
from svgwrite.mixins import XLink
from svgwrite.text import Text
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger("spydrnet_logs")

class base_renderer:
    This is a base class for ``cb_renderer`` and ``sb_renderer``

    def __init__(self, name, gsb_xml, scale=40, spacing=None) -> None: = name
        self.scale = scale
        self.spacing = spacing if spacing else self.scale * 2
        self.root = (
            gsb_xml if isinstance(gsb_xml, ET.Element) else ET.parse(gsb_xml).getroot()

    def _get_label(x):
        returns attribute  ``<side>_<index>`` as a string
        return f"{x.attrib['side']}_{int(x.attrib['index'])}"

    def extract_info(self):
        This should be extended in the specific element rendering class
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _setup_svg(self):
        # Variables for SVG rendering
        self.dwg = Drawing()
        self.dwgbg = self.dwg.add(Group(id="bg"))
        self.region = self.dwg.add(Group(id="region", transform="scale(1,-1)"))
        self.core = self.dwg.add(Group(id="mainframe"))
        self.dwgShapes = self.core.add(Group(id="mainShapes", transform="scale(1,-1)"))
        self.switches = self.core.add(Group(id="switches", transform="scale(1,-1)"))
        self.dwgText = self.core.add(Group(id="mainText", transform="scale(1,-1)"))
        self.marker_red = self._create_arrowhead("red")
        self.marker_green = self._create_arrowhead("green")
        self.marker_blue = self._create_arrowhead("blue")
        self.marker_terminate = self._create_termination("blue")
        return self.dwg

    def save(self, filename=None, viewbox=None):
        """Save SVG file"""
        filename = filename or "_" + + ".svg"
        margin = 200
        # width, height = self.x_max_4-self.x_min_4, self.y_max_4-self.y_min_4
        # viewbox = viewbox or (self.x_min_4-margin, -1*(self.y_max_4+margin),
        #                       width+2*margin, height+2*margin)
        # self.dwg.viewbox(*viewbox)
        logger.debug(f"Saving svg {filename}")
        self.dwg.saveas(filename, pretty=True)

    def _create_termination(self, hex_color):
        DRMarker = self.dwg.marker(
            viewBox="-10 -30 20 60",
            shapes.Rect(insert=(-5, -15), height="30", width="10", fill=hex_color)
        return DRMarker

    def _create_arrowhead(self, hex_color):
        DRMarker = self.dwg.marker(
            viewBox="0 0 120 120",
        DRMarker.add(self.dwg.path(d="M 0 0 L 60 30 L 0 60 z", fill=hex_color))
        return DRMarker

    def _add_stylehseet(self):
        Adds custom stylesheet to the SVG image
                text{font-family: LATO; font-weight: 800; font-size: 25px;}
                svg{outline: 1px solid grey; outline-offset: -2px;}
                .origin{stroke: red; stroke-width: 1;}
                .channel{stroke: grey; stroke-width: 4;}
                .switch{stroke: black; fill:blue; stroke-width: 0;}
                .short{stroke: black; fill:black; stroke-width: 0;}
                .inpin{stroke: red;stroke-width: 4;}
                .outpin{stroke: green;stroke-width: 4;}
                .rl_chan{stroke: red;}
                .lr_chan{stroke: blue;}
                .lr_text{fill: blue;}
                .rl_text{fill: red;}
                .bt_chan{stroke: red;}
                .bt_text{fill: red;}
                .tb_chan{stroke: blue;}
                .tb_text{fill: blue;}
                .region1{fill: #CCE7D4;}
                .region2{fill: #F8AC92;}
                .region3{fill: #C4E7EB;}
                .region4{fill: #F5F3C9;}
                .boundry{stroke: red;stroke-width: 10;fill: none;opacity: 10%;}
                .OPIN{fill: green;}
                    text-anchor: start;
                    transform: translate(5px, 00px) scale(1,-1);}
                    text-anchor: end;
                    transform: translate(-5px, 00px) scale(1,-1);}
                    transform-box: fill-box;
                    transform-origin: start;
                    text-anchor: start;
                    transform: translate(0px, 10px) rotate(90deg) scale(1,-1);}
                    transform-box: fill-box;
                    transform-origin: bottom left;
                    text-anchor: start;
                    transform: translate(0px, -3px) rotate(-90deg) scale(1,-1);}
                .in_pin{fill: blue !important;}
                .out_pin{fill: red !important;}

[docs]class sb_renderer(base_renderer): """ Renders the switch box information from GSB (Generic Switch Box) file """
[docs] def extract_info(self) -> None: """ Extracts all parameters .. csv-table:: Channel Variables :widths: 25, 100 chan_out , All output channels chanx_[l/r]_in , Horizontal left and right incoming channels chany_[t/b]_in , Vertical top and bottom incoming channels opin_l[l/r/t/b] , Incoming grid output channels """ self.chan_out = sorted( self.root.findall("CHANX") + self.root.findall("CHANY"), key=lambda x: f"{x.attrib['side']}_{int(x.attrib['index']):03}", ) self.chan_out_l = len(self.chan_out) self.chanx_l_in = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/CHANX/driver_node[@side='left']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.chanx_r_in = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/CHANX/driver_node[@side='right']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.chany_t_in = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/CHANY/driver_node[@side='top']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.chany_b_in = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/CHANY/driver_node[@side='bottom']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.opin_l = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/OPIN/driver_node[@side='left']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.opin_r = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/OPIN/driver_node[@side='right']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.opin_t = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/OPIN/driver_node[@side='top']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.opin_b = sorted( self.root.findall(".//INPUT/OPIN/driver_node[@side='bottom']"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"]), ) self.channels = self.root.attrib["type"].lower() assert self.channels == "sb", "XML file does not contain Switch box information"
def _create_header(self, in_pin): """ Create headers for printing information """ index_label_map, loc = {}, 0 header, conn_str = "", "" for side, side_chann in { "chany_bottom": self.chany_b_in, "chanx_left": self.chanx_l_in, "chanx_right": self.chanx_r_in, "chany_top": self.chany_t_in, "opin_bottom": self.opin_b, "opin_left": self.opin_l, "opin_right": self.opin_r, "opin_top": self.opin_t, }.items(): if not side in in_pin: continue margin = 2 if len(side_chann) > 7 else 7 i = len(side_chann) + 2 * margin loc += margin conn_str += " " * margin header += for x in side_chann: index_label_map[ f"{x.attrib['type'].lower()}_" + self._get_label(x) ] = loc loc += 1 conn_str += "." loc += margin conn_str += " " * margin return header, conn_str, index_label_map
[docs] def report_connectivity( self, pin_map={}, in_pin=None, out_pin=None, filter_direct=False ): """ Report connectivity of each driver mux parameters ---------- filter_direct (bool): Skips printing of direct feedtrhough connections in_pin out_pin """ out_pin = out_pin or ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"] out_pin = [out_pin] if isinstance(out_pin, str) else out_pin in_pin = in_pin or [ "chanx_left", "chanx_right", "chany_top", "chany_bottom", "opin_left", "opin_right", "opin_top", "opin_bottom", ] in_pin = [in_pin] if isinstance(in_pin, str) else in_pin header, conn_str, index_label_map = self._create_header(in_pin) index_label_map.update(pin_map) print(f"{' ':11}{header}") for eachPin in self.chan_out: direct = "-" if eachPin.attrib["mux_size"] == "0" else " " if filter_direct and direct == "-": continue if not eachPin.attrib["side"] in out_pin: continue print(f"{self._get_label(eachPin):10}{direct:1}", end="") conn = list(conn_str) for eachconn in eachPin: if ( not f"{eachconn.attrib['type'].lower()}_{eachconn.attrib['side']}" in in_pin ): continue conn[ index_label_map[ f"{eachconn.attrib['type'].lower()}_" + self._get_label(eachconn) ] ] = "x" print("".join(conn), end="") print("") print("")
[docs]class cb_renderer(base_renderer): """ This class renders the conenction box information """
[docs] def extract_info(self) -> None: """ .. csv-table:: Channel Variables :widths: 25, 100 ipin_l , IPIN (Output) Pin toward left direction ipin_l_len , Number of output pins towards left direction """ self.ipin = sorted( self.root.findall("IPIN"), key=lambda x: f"{x.attrib['side']}_{x.attrib['index']}", ) self.ipin_l = len(self.ipin) logger.debug("Found %d Ipins", self.ipin_l) self.chan = sorted( {node.attrib["index"] for node in self.root.findall(".//*/driver_node")} ) self.chan_l = len(self.chan) logger.debug("Found %d Channels", self.chan_l) self.channels = self.root.tag.lower() assert ( "cb" in self.channels ), "XML file does not contain connection box information"
[docs] def report_ipins(self): """ Reports IPIN information parameters ---------- pMap: Pin map information if position needs to modified {pin_label: location} example: {'top_1': 2, 'left_1': 1 } """ print( f"{' ':13} " + "| " * int(np.floor(self.chan_l / (2 * 5))) + " " + "| " * int(np.floor(self.chan_l / (2 * 5))) ) for each_pin in self.ipin: print( f"{each_pin.attrib['side']:>10} " + f"{each_pin.attrib['index']:4}", end="", ) conn_map = ["-"] * self.chan_l for conn in each_pin: conn_map[int(conn.attrib["index"])] = "x" print("".join(conn_map[::2]), end=" ") print("".join(conn_map[1::2]), end="") print(f" {conn_map.count('x'):3}")
[docs]class RoutingRender: """ This class illustrates the FPGA switch box and connection box based on the given GSB xml files. **General Variables** Args: Name of the module self.scale: General scale for rendering connectivity self.spacing: Margin beetween each section self.root: Parsed XML Root element .. csv-table:: Channel Variables :widths: 25, 75 self.chanx ,Unique list of elements horizontal channels self.chanx_l ,Unique list of elements left incoming chanx channels self.chanx_l_len ,length of ``chanx_l`` self.chanx_r ,Unique list of elements right incoming chanx channels self.chanx_r_len ,length of ``chanx_r`` self.chanx_l_drivers ,New generated left outgoing channels with feedthrough self.chanx_l_ft ,Left outgoing channels with feedthrough self.chanx_l_out_map ,Mapping of ft/driver index with offset on the left side self.ipin_l ,Unique list of elements outgoing from connection box on left side self.ipin_l_len ,Length of ``ipin_l`` self.opin_l ,Unique list of elements incoming from left side self.opin_l_len ,Length of ``opin_l`` self.opin_l_t ,Unique list of elements incoming from left top side self.opin_l_t_len ,Length of ``opin_l_t`` self.opin_l_b ,Unique list of elements incoming from left bottom side self.opin_l_b_len ,Length of ``opin_l_b`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, gsb_xml, scale=40, spacing=None) -> None: """ Initialise the rendering class args: name (str): Name of the connection box gsb_xml (str): XML file path to read """ = name self.scale = scale self.spacing = spacing if spacing else self.scale * 2 self.root = ( gsb_xml if isinstance(gsb_xml, ET.Element) else ET.parse(gsb_xml).getroot() ) self.extract_info()
[docs] def update_dimensions(self, scale, spacing): """ Updates scale and spacing dimensions """ self.scale = int(scale) or self.scale self.spacing = int(spacing) or self.spacing
@staticmethod def render_ipin(sw): size = sw.shape format_str = "{:<6} {:<6} {:^%d} " % size[1] print("=" * (size[1] + 16)) print(format_str.format("INDX", "MUX", "CONNECTIONS")) print("=" * (size[1] + 16)) print( format_str.format( "", "", "".join(["{:<4}|".format(i) for i in range(0, size[1], 5)]) ) ) for indx, row in enumerate(sw): count = row.size - list(row).count("_") print(format_str.format(indx, count, "".join(row))) @staticmethod def _filter_attrib(eles, attrib, value): return [e for e in eles if e.attrib[attrib] == value] @staticmethod def _get_driver_node(root, p, type, side): return root.findall(f"{p}/driver_node[@type='{type}'][@side='{side}']") @staticmethod def _get_max_index(ele): return len({int(i.attrib["index"]): "" for i in ele}.keys()) @staticmethod def _set_bit(x, indx, symbol="x"): x[int(indx)] = symbol @staticmethod def _set_vbit(x, indx): x[int(indx)] = "l" if int(indx) % 2 else "r" @staticmethod def _set_hbit(x, indx): x[int(indx)] = "t" if int(indx) % 2 else "b" @staticmethod def _print_stat_header(): """ Prints header for statistics information module chanx_l chanx_r chany_t chany_b ipin_t ipin_b ipin_r ipin_l opin_l opin_r opin_t opin_b """ print("==" * 80) print( "%15s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %15s %15s %15s %15s" % ( "module", "chanx_l", "chanx_r", "chany_t", "chany_b", "ipin_l", "ipin_r", "ipin_t", "ipin_b", "opin_l", "opin_r", "opin_t", "opin_b", ) ) print("==" * 80) def report_ipins(self, side, show=True): format_str = "{:^6s} {:^6s} {:^45s} " items = { "left": self.ipin_l, "right": self.ipin_r, "top": self.ipin_t, "bottom": self.ipin_b, }[side] arr = np.empty( shape=[0, self.chanx_len if side in ["top", "bottom"] else self.chany_len], dtype=str, ) for chan in items: ChanX = ["_"] * self.chanx_len _ = [ self._set_bit(ChanX, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="CHANX"]') ] ChanY = ["_"] * self.chany_len _ = [ self._set_bit(ChanY, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="CHANY"]') ] flags = ChanX if side in ["top", "bottom"] else ChanY arr = np.vstack([arr, flags]) if show: self.render_ipin(arr) return arr
[docs] def report_incoming_channels(self, side): """ This prints incoming channels in the given switch box from the given direction ``index, Mux, ChanX, Chany, OPIN_L, OPIN_R, OPIN_T, OPIN_B`` """ format_str = "{:^6s} {:^6s} {:^45s} {:^45s} {:^10s} {:^10s} {:^10s} {:^10s}" print("= = " * 40) print( format_str.format( "index", "Mux", "ChanX", "Chany", "OPIN_L", "OPIN_R", "OPIN_T", "OPIN_B" ) ) print("= = " * 40) items = { "left": self.chanx_l, "right": self.chanx_r, "top": self.chany_t, "bottom": self.chany_b, }[side] for chan in items: ChanX = ["_"] * self.chanx_len _ = [ self._set_vbit(ChanX, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="CHANX"]') ] ChanY = ["_"] * self.chany_len ChanY = ["_"] * 40 _ = [ self._set_hbit(ChanY, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="CHANY"]') ] # OPIN_L = ['_']*self.opin_l_len # _ = [self._set_bit(OPIN_L, e.attrib['index']) # for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="left"]')] # OPIN_R = ['_']*self.opin_l_len # _ = [self._set_bit(OPIN_R, e.attrib['index']) # for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="right"]')] # OPIN_T = ['_']*self.opin_l_len # _ = [self._set_bit(OPIN_T, e.attrib['index']) # for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="top"]')] # OPIN_B = ['_']*self.opin_l_len # _ = [self._set_bit(OPIN_B, e.attrib['index']) # for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="bottom"]')] OPIN_L = ["_", "_"] OPIN_R = ["_", "_"] OPIN_T = ["_", "_"] OPIN_B = ["_", "_"] print( format_str.format( chan.attrib["index"], chan.attrib["mux_size"], "".join(ChanX), "".join(ChanY), "".join(OPIN_L), "".join(OPIN_R), "".join(OPIN_T), "".join(OPIN_B), ) )
[docs] def report_outgoing_channels(self, side): """ This prints the channel information of given switch box for a given direction channels """ format_str = "{:^6s} {:^6s} {:^45s} {:^45s} {:^10s} {:^10s} {:^10s} {:^10s}" print("= = " * 40) print( format_str.format( "index", "Mux", "ChanX", "Chany", "OPIN_L", "OPIN_R", "OPIN_T", "OPIN_B" ) ) print("= = " * 40) items = { "left": self.chanx_l, "right": self.chanx_r, "top": self.chany_t, "bottom": self.chany_b, }[side] for chan in items: ChanX = ["_"] * self.chanx_len _ = [ self._set_vbit(ChanX, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="CHANX"]') ] ChanY = ["_"] * self.chany_len _ = [ self._set_hbit(ChanY, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="CHANY"]') ] OPIN_L = ["_"] * self.opin_l_len _ = [ self._set_bit(OPIN_L, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="left"]') ] OPIN_R = ["_"] * self.opin_l_len _ = [ self._set_bit(OPIN_R, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="right"]') ] OPIN_T = ["_"] * self.opin_l_len _ = [ self._set_bit(OPIN_T, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="top"]') ] OPIN_B = ["_"] * self.opin_l_len _ = [ self._set_bit(OPIN_B, e.attrib["index"]) for e in chan.findall('./driver_node[@type="OPIN"][@side="bottom"]') ] print( format_str.format( chan.attrib["index"], chan.attrib["mux_size"], "".join(ChanX), "".join(ChanY), "".join(OPIN_L), "".join(OPIN_R), "".join(OPIN_T), "".join(OPIN_B), ) )
[docs] def extract_info(self): """ Extracts insformation from provided general switch box file """ root = self.root self.chanx = sorted(root.findall("CHANX"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"])) self.chanx_len = len(self.chanx) self.chanx_l = root.findall("CHANX[@side='left']") self.chanx_l_len = len(self.chanx_l) self.chanx_r = root.findall("CHANX[@side='right']") self.chanx_r_len = len(self.chanx_r) self.chanx_l_out_map = [0] * self.chanx_len self.chanx_r_out_map = [0] * self.chanx_len self.chanx_drivers = self.chanx_l + self.chanx_r self.chanx_drivers = root.findall( './/CHANX/driver_node[@type="CHANX"]' ) + root.findall('.//CHANY/driver_node[@type="CHANX"]') self.chany_t = root.findall("CHANY[@side='top']") self.chany_t_len = len(self.chany_t) self.chany_b = root.findall("CHANY[@side='bottom']") self.chany_b_len = len(self.chany_b) self.chany = sorted(root.findall("CHANY"), key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["index"])) self.chany_len = self.chany_t_len + self.chany_b_len self.chany_t_out_map = [0] * self.chany_len self.chany_b_out_map = [0] * self.chany_len self.chany_drivers = self.chany_t + self.chany_b self.chany_drivers = root.findall( './/CHANY/driver_node[@type="CHANY"]' ) + root.findall('.//CHANX/driver_node[@type="CHANY"]') self.ipin_l = root.findall("IPIN[@side='left']") self.ipin_l_len = self._get_max_index(self.ipin_l) self.ipin_r = root.findall("IPIN[@side='right']") self.ipin_r_len = self._get_max_index(self.ipin_r) self.ipin_t = root.findall("IPIN[@side='top']") self.ipin_t_len = self._get_max_index(self.ipin_t) self.ipin_b = root.findall("IPIN[@side='bottom']") self.ipin_b_len = self._get_max_index(self.ipin_b) # Collect Feedthrough self.ft_left = [chan for chan in self.chanx_l if len(list(chan)) == 1] self.ft_left_len = len(set((e.attrib["index"] for e in self.ft_left))) self.ft_right = [chan for chan in self.chanx_r if len(list(chan)) == 1] self.ft_right_len = len(set((e.attrib["index"] for e in self.ft_right))) self.ft_top = [chan for chan in self.chany_t if len(list(chan)) == 1] self.ft_top_len = len(set((e.attrib["index"] for e in self.ft_top))) self.ft_bottom = [chan for chan in self.chany_b if len(list(chan)) == 1] self.ft_bottom_len = len(set((e.attrib["index"] for e in self.ft_bottom))) # Left side OPins self.opin_l = self._get_driver_node(root, "*", "OPIN", "left") self.opin_l_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_l) self.opin_l_t = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_l, "grid_side", "top") self.opin_l_t_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_l_t) self.opin_l_b = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_l, "grid_side", "bottom") self.opin_l_b_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_l_b) # right side OPins self.opin_r = self._get_driver_node(root, "*", "OPIN", "right") self.opin_r_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_r) self.opin_r_t = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_r, "grid_side", "top") self.opin_r_t_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_r_t) self.opin_r_b = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_r, "grid_side", "bottom") self.opin_r_b_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_r_b) # top side OPins self.opin_t = self._get_driver_node(root, "*", "OPIN", "top") self.opin_t_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_t) self.opin_t_l = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_t, "grid_side", "left") self.opin_t_l_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_t_l) self.opin_t_r = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_t, "grid_side", "right") self.opin_t_r_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_t_r) # Bottom side OPins self.opin_b = self._get_driver_node(root, "*", "OPIN", "bottom") self.opin_b_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_b) self.opin_b_l = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_b, "grid_side", "left") self.opin_b_l_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_b_l) self.opin_b_r = self._filter_attrib(self.opin_b, "grid_side", "right") self.opin_b_r_len = self._get_max_index(self.opin_b_r)
[docs] def get_stats(self, print_header=False, noprint=False): """ Prints switch box statistics """ if print_header: self._print_stat_header() msg = "%15s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %15s %15s %15s %15s" % (, self.chanx_l_len, self.chanx_r_len, self.chany_t_len, self.chany_b_len, self.ipin_l_len, self.ipin_r_len, self.ipin_t_len, self.ipin_b_len, f"{self.opin_l_len:3} [{self.opin_l_t_len:3},{self.opin_l_b_len:3}]", f"{self.opin_r_len:3} [{self.opin_r_t_len:3},{self.opin_r_b_len:3}]", f"{self.opin_t_len:3} [{self.opin_t_l_len:3},{self.opin_t_r_len:3}]", f"{self.opin_b_len:3} [{self.opin_b_l_len:3},{self.opin_b_r_len:3}]", ) if not noprint: print(msg) return msg
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, viewbox=None): """Save SVG file""" self._add_stylehseet() filename = filename or "_" + + ".svg" margin = 200 width, height = self.x_max_4 - self.x_min_4, self.y_max_4 - self.y_min_4 viewbox = viewbox or ( self.x_min_4 - margin, -1 * (self.y_max_4 + margin), width + 2 * margin, height + 2 * margin, ) self.dwg.viewbox(*viewbox) logger.debug(f"Saving svg {filename}") self.dwg.saveas(filename, pretty=True)
def _add_left_connection_box(self, pinmap=None, channel_map=None): self.chanx_l_out_map = [] left_drivers = [e.attrib["index"] for e in self.chanx_l] for index in range(self.chanx_len): offset = self.x_min_0 + self.spacing + pinmap(index) * self.scale self.chanx_l_out_map.append(offset) marker = self.marker_blue start = (self.y_min_4, offset) end = (self.y_min_3, offset) class_ = "lr" if str(index) in left_drivers: marker = self.marker_red start, end = end, start class_ = "rl" self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=start, end=end, marker_end=marker.get_funciri(), class_=f"channel {class_}_chan", ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"{class_}_text", insert=(start[0], -1 * start[-1]), ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"{class_}_text", insert=(end[0], -1 * end[-1]), ) ) self._add_ipins(side="left", channel_map=channel_map) def _add_top_connection_box(self, pinmap=None, channel_map=None): self.chany_t_out_map = [] left_drivers = [e.attrib["index"] for e in self.chany_t] for index in range(self.chany_len): offset = self.y_min_0 + self.spacing + pinmap(index) * self.scale self.chany_t_out_map.append(offset) marker = self.marker_blue start = (offset, self.x_max_4) end = (offset, self.x_max_3) class_ = "lr" if str(index) in left_drivers: marker = self.marker_red start, end = end, start class_ = "rl" self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=start, end=end, marker_end=marker.get_funciri(), class_=f"channel {class_}_chan", ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"{class_}_text", insert=(start[0], -1 * start[-1]), ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"{class_}_text", insert=(end[0], -1 * end[-1]), ) ) self._add_ipins(side="top", channel_map=channel_map)
[docs] def render_connection_box(self, side, pinmap=None, channel_map=None, filename=None): """ Render connections box in SVG format """ self._setup_svg() self._add_origin_marker() pinmap = pinmap or (lambda x: x) if side == "top": self._add_top_connection_box(pinmap=pinmap, channel_map=channel_map) else: self._add_left_connection_box(pinmap=pinmap, channel_map=channel_map) if filename: margin = 200 width = ( (self.x_max_4 - self.x_min_4) if side == "top" else (self.x_max_4 - self.x_max_3) ) height = ( (self.y_max_4 - self.y_min_4) if side == "left" else (self.y_max_4 - self.y_max_3) ) llx = self.x_min_4 - margin lly = self.y_max_4 + margin viewbox = (llx, -1 * lly, width + (2 * margin), height + (2 * margin)), viewbox=viewbox)
[docs] def render_switch_pattern(self): """ Create SVG object rendering all the switchs from switch box """ self._setup_svg() self.add_partitions() self._add_origin_marker() self._add_channels() self._add_opins() # ==================================== # Create channels # ==================================== self._add_left_channels() self._add_right_channels() self._add_top_channels() self._add_bottom_channels() # ==================================== # Added Input Pins # ==================================== self._add_ipins(side="left") self._add_ipins(side="top")
def _add_left_channels(self): """ Creates horizontal channels """ term_indx = 0 for ele in self.chanx_l: chan = int(ele.attrib["index"]) # Right to left channels if not chan in [int(e.attrib["index"]) for e in self.ft_left]: # Add connecting Vertical line x_line = self.x_min_1 - term_indx * self.scale - self.spacing y_line = self.y_min_0 - term_indx * self.scale - self.spacing self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(x_line, self.y_max_0), end=(x_line, y_line), marker_start=self.marker_red.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), class_="channel rl_chan", ) ) # Add connecting horizontal line self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(self.x_max_0, y_line), end=(self.x_min_4, y_line), marker_start=self.marker_red.get_funciri(), class_="channel rl_chan", ) ) self._add_short_at(x_line, y_line) # Add Text self.dwgText.add( Text( ele.attrib["index"], transform="scale(1,-1)", class_="rl_text", insert=(self.x_min_4, -1 * y_line), ) ) self.chanx_l_out_map[int(ele.attrib["index"])] = y_line # Add Switches for switch in list(ele): sw_type = switch.attrib["type"] side = switch.attrib["side"] index = int(switch.attrib["index"]) grid_side = switch.attrib.get("grid_side", "") offset = index * self.scale if sw_type == "CHANX": self._add_switch_at( x_line, self.x_min_0 + offset + self.spacing ) elif sw_type == "CHANY": self._add_switch_at( self.y_min_0 + offset + self.spacing, y_line ) elif sw_type == "OPIN": self._add_switch_at( self.x_min_2 - offset - self.spacing, y_line ) term_indx += 1 def _add_right_channels(self): """ Creates horizontal channels """ term_indx = 0 offset_0 = self.y_max_0 - self.spacing - self.scale for ele in self.chanx_r: chan = int(ele.attrib["index"]) offset = offset_0 + int(ele.attrib["index"]) * self.scale # left to right channels if not chan in [int(e.attrib["index"]) for e in self.ft_right]: # Add connecting Vertical line x_line = self.x_max_1 + term_indx * self.scale + self.spacing y_line = self.y_max_0 + term_indx * self.scale + self.spacing self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(x_line, self.y_min_0), end=(x_line, y_line), marker_start=self.marker_blue.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), class_="channel lr_chan", ) ) # Add connecting horizontal line self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(self.x_min_0, y_line), end=(self.x_max_4, y_line), marker_start=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_blue.get_funciri(), class_="channel lr_chan", ) ) self._add_short_at(x_line, y_line) # Add Text self.dwgText.add( Text( ele.attrib["index"], transform="scale(1,-1)", class_="lr_text", insert=(self.x_max_4, -1 * y_line), ) ) self.chanx_r_out_map[int(ele.attrib["index"])] = x_line # Add Switches for switch in list(ele): sw_type = switch.attrib["type"] side = switch.attrib["side"] index = int(switch.attrib["index"]) grid_side = switch.attrib.get("grid_side", "") offset = index * self.scale if sw_type == "CHANX": self._add_switch_at( x_line, self.x_min_0 + offset + self.spacing ) elif sw_type == "CHANY": self._add_switch_at( self.y_min_0 + offset + self.spacing, y_line ) elif sw_type == "OPIN": self._add_switch_at( self.x_max_2 + offset + self.spacing, y_line ) term_indx += 1 def _add_top_channels(self): """ Creates horizontal channels """ term_indx = 0 for ele in self.chany_t: chan = int(ele.attrib["index"]) # left to right channels if not chan in [int(e.attrib["index"]) for e in self.ft_top]: # Add connecting Vertical line x_line = self.x_min_0 - term_indx * self.scale - self.spacing y_line = self.y_max_1 + term_indx * self.scale + self.spacing self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(x_line, self.y_min_0), end=(x_line, self.y_max_4), marker_start=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_blue.get_funciri(), class_="channel lr_chan", ) ) # Add connecting horizontal line self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(x_line, y_line), end=(self.x_max_0, y_line), marker_start=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), class_="channel lr_chan", ) ) self._add_short_at(x_line, y_line) # Add Text self.dwgText.add( Text( ele.attrib["index"], transform="scale(1,-1)", class_="lr_text", insert=(x_line, -1 * self.y_max_4), ) ) # Add Switches for switch in list(ele): sw_type = switch.attrib["type"] side = switch.attrib["side"] index = int(switch.attrib["index"]) grid_side = switch.attrib.get("grid_side", "") offset = index * self.scale if sw_type == "CHANX": self._add_switch_at( x_line, self.x_min_0 + offset + self.spacing ) elif sw_type == "CHANY": self._add_switch_at( self.y_min_0 + offset + self.spacing, y_line ) elif sw_type == "OPIN": self._add_switch_at( x_line, self.y_max_2 + offset + self.spacing ) term_indx += 1 def _add_bottom_channels(self): """ Creates horizontal channels """ term_indx = 0 for ele in self.chany_b: chan = int(ele.attrib["index"]) # left to right channels if not chan in [int(e.attrib["index"]) for e in self.ft_bottom]: # Add connecting Vertical line x_line = self.x_max_0 + term_indx * self.scale + self.spacing y_line = self.y_min_1 - term_indx * self.scale - self.spacing self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(x_line, self.y_max_0), end=(x_line, self.y_min_4), marker_start=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_blue.get_funciri(), class_="channel lr_chan", ) ) # Add connecting horizontal line self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=(x_line, y_line), end=(self.x_min_0, y_line), marker_start=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), marker_end=self.marker_terminate.get_funciri(), class_="channel lr_chan", ) ) self._add_short_at(x_line, y_line) # Add Text self.dwgText.add( Text( ele.attrib["index"], transform="scale(1,-1)", class_="lr_text", insert=(x_line, -1 * self.y_min_4), ) ) # Add Switches for switch in list(ele): sw_type = switch.attrib["type"] side = switch.attrib["side"] index = int(switch.attrib["index"]) grid_side = switch.attrib.get("grid_side", "") offset = index * self.scale if sw_type == "CHANX": self._add_switch_at( x_line, self.x_min_0 + offset + self.spacing ) elif sw_type == "CHANY": self._add_switch_at( self.y_min_0 + offset + self.spacing, y_line ) elif sw_type == "OPIN": self._add_switch_at( x_line, self.y_min_2 - offset - self.spacing ) term_indx += 1 def _add_channels(self): """ Adds horizontal driver lines """ pass_through = { "%s%d" % (ele[0].attrib["side"], int(ele[0].attrib["index"])): int( ele.attrib["index"] ) for ele in self.ft_left + self.ft_right + self.ft_top + self.ft_bottom } visited_pins = list() for ele in self.chanx_drivers + self.chany_drivers: index = int(ele.attrib["index"]) side = ele.attrib["side"] offset_x = self.x_min_0 + self.spacing + index * self.scale offset_y = self.y_min_0 + self.spacing + index * self.scale curr_pin = "%s%d" % (side, index) if curr_pin in visited_pins: continue # Create side specific parameters if side == "left": marker = self.marker_blue class_name = "lr" offset = offset_x start = (self.x_min_4, offset) end = ( self.x_max_4 if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None) else self.x_max_2, offset, ) if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None): self.chanx_r_out_map[pass_through[curr_pin]] = offset self.chanx_l_out_map[index] = offset elif side == "right": marker = self.marker_red class_name = "rl" offset = offset_x start = (self.x_max_4, offset) end = ( self.x_min_4 if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None) else self.x_min_2, offset, ) if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None): self.chanx_l_out_map[pass_through[curr_pin]] = offset self.chanx_r_out_map[index] = offset elif side == "top": marker = self.marker_blue class_name = "tb" offset = offset_y start = (offset, self.y_max_4) end = ( offset, self.y_min_4 if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None) else self.y_min_2, ) if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None): self.chany_b_out_map[pass_through[curr_pin]] = offset self.chany_t_out_map[index] = offset elif side == "bottom": marker = self.marker_red class_name = "bt" offset = offset_y start = (offset, self.y_min_4) end = ( offset, self.y_max_4 if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None) else self.y_max_2, ) if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None): self.chany_t_out_map[pass_through[curr_pin]] = offset self.chany_b_out_map[index] = offset self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=start, end=end, marker_start=marker.get_funciri(), marker_end=marker.get_funciri(), class_=f"channel {class_name}_chan", ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"in_pin {class_name}_text", insert=(start[0], -1 * start[-1]), ) ) if pass_through.get(curr_pin, None): self.dwgText.add( Text( pass_through[curr_pin], transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"out_pin {class_name}_text", insert=(end[0], -1 * end[-1]), ) ) visited_pins.append(curr_pin) def _add_ipins(self, side="left", channel_map=None): channel_map = channel_map or (lambda side, x: x) if side == "left": ipins = self.ipin_t + self.ipin_b else: ipins = self.ipin_r + self.ipin_l for ele in ipins: index = int(ele.attrib["index"]) side = ele.attrib["side"] marker = self.marker_red offset = self.spacing + channel_map(side, index) * self.scale if side in "top": start = (self.x_min_3 - offset, self.y_min_2) end = (self.x_min_3 - offset, self.y_max_3) elif side in "bottom": start = (self.x_min_4 + offset, self.y_max_2) end = (self.x_min_4 + offset, self.y_min_3) elif side in "left": start = (self.x_max_2, self.y_max_3 + offset) end = (self.x_min_3, self.y_max_3 + offset) elif side in "right": start = (self.x_min_2, self.y_max_4 - offset) end = (self.x_max_3, self.y_max_4 - offset) self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=start, end=end, marker_start=marker.get_funciri(), marker_end=marker.get_funciri(), class_="channel", ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"OPIN", insert=(end[0], -1 * end[-1]), ) ) # Add Switches for switch in list(ele): index = int(switch.attrib["index"]) offset = ( self.chanx_l_out_map[index] if side in ["top", "bottom"] else self.chany_t_out_map[index] ) if side in ["top", "bottom"]: self._add_switch_at(start[0], offset) elif side in ["left", "right"]: self._add_switch_at(offset, start[1]) def _add_opins(self): for ele in self.opin_l + self.opin_r + self.opin_t + self.opin_b: index = int(ele.attrib["index"]) side = ele.attrib["side"] grid_side = ele.attrib["grid_side"] offset = self.spacing + (index) * self.scale if side in ["left", "right"]: start = ( self.x_min_2 - offset if side == "left" else self.x_max_2 + offset, self.y_min_4 if grid_side == "top" else self.y_min_1, ) end = ( self.x_min_2 - offset if side == "left" else self.x_max_2 + offset, self.y_max_1 if grid_side == "top" else self.y_max_4, ) if grid_side == "bottom": start, end = end, start marker = self.marker_red elif side in ["top", "bottom"]: start = ( self.x_max_4 if grid_side == "left" else self.x_min_4, self.y_min_2 - offset if side == "bottom" else self.y_max_2 + offset, ) end = ( self.x_min_2 if grid_side == "left" else self.x_max_2, self.y_min_2 - offset if side == "bottom" else self.y_max_2 + offset, ) marker = self.marker_red self.dwgShapes.add( shapes.Line( start=start, end=end, marker_start=marker.get_funciri(), marker_end=marker.get_funciri(), class_="channel", ) ) self.dwgText.add( Text( index, transform="scale(1,-1)", class_=f"OPIN", insert=(start[0], -1 * start[-1]), ) ) def _add_switch_at(self, x, y): self.switches.add(shapes.Circle(center=(x, y), r=10, class_="switch")) def _add_short_at(self, x, y): self.switches.add(shapes.Circle(center=(x, y), r=10, class_="short"))
[docs] def add_partitions(self): """ This function creates initial floorplan for rendering switch boxes ┌───────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌──────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Channel_CrossOver │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ Driver_Channels_1 │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────────┘ │ │ │ │ Driver_Channels_2 │ │ │ └───────────────────────────┘ │ │ OPINs_1 │ └───────────────────────────────┘ ``Channel_CrossOver`` and ``Driver_Channels_1`` section always exists. ``Driver_Channels_2`` on specific site can be skipped if there are no channels drivers in that direction """ min_terminating = min( self.ft_left_len, self.ft_right_len, self.ft_top_len, self.ft_bottom_len ) # Width, Height Calculation for width = self.chanx_len * self.scale + 2 * self.spacing height = self.chany_len * self.scale + 2 * self.spacing # width1 height1 calculation width1 = width + 2 * (self.chanx_l_len - min_terminating) * self.scale width1 += 2 * self.spacing height1 = height + 2 * (self.chany_t_len - min_terminating) * self.scale height1 += 2 * self.spacing # width1 height1 calculation width2 = ( width1 + 2 * (self.chanx_l_len - min_terminating) * self.scale + 2 * self.spacing ) height2 = ( height1 + 2 * (self.chany_t_len - min_terminating) * self.scale + 2 * self.spacing ) # width1 height1 calculation width3 = width2 + 2 * (self.chanx_l_len - min_terminating) * self.scale width3 += 2 * self.spacing height3 = height2 + 2 * (self.chany_t_len - min_terminating) * self.scale height3 += 2 * self.spacing # width1 height1 calculation width4 = width3 + 2 * (self.ipin_l_len + self.ipin_r_len) * self.scale width4 += 4 * self.spacing height4 = height3 + 2 * (self.ipin_t_len + self.ipin_b_len) * self.scale height4 += 4 * self.spacing insert_pt = -0.5 * (width4 - width), -0.5 * (height4 - height) self.x_min_4, self.y_min_4 = insert_pt self.x_min_4 += (self.ipin_r_len - self.ipin_l_len) * self.scale self.y_min_4 += (self.ipin_t_len - self.ipin_b_len) * self.scale self.x_max_4, self.y_max_4 = self.x_min_4 + width4, self.y_min_4 + height4 insert_pt = -0.5 * (width3 - width), -0.5 * (height3 - height) self.x_min_3, self.y_min_3 = insert_pt self.x_max_3, self.y_max_3 = self.x_min_3 + width3, self.y_min_3 + height3 insert_pt = -0.5 * (width2 - width), -0.5 * (height2 - height) self.x_min_2, self.y_min_2 = insert_pt self.x_max_2, self.y_max_2 = self.x_min_2 + width2, self.y_min_2 + height2 insert_pt = -0.5 * (width1 - width), -0.5 * (height1 - height) self.x_min_1, self.y_min_1 = insert_pt self.x_max_1, self.y_max_1 = self.x_min_1 + width1, self.y_min_1 + height1 self.x_min_0, self.y_min_0 = 0, 0 self.x_max_0, self.y_max_0 = width, height self.region.add( shapes.Rect( insert=(self.x_min_3, self.y_min_4), size=(width3, height4), class_="boundry", ) ) self.region.add( shapes.Rect( insert=(self.x_min_4, self.y_min_3), size=(width4, height3), class_="boundry", ) ) self.region.add( shapes.Rect( insert=(self.x_min_3, self.y_min_3), size=(width3, height3), class_="region4", ) ) self.region.add( shapes.Rect( insert=(self.x_min_2, self.y_min_2), size=(width2, height2), class_="region3", ) ) self.region.add( shapes.Rect( insert=(self.x_min_1, self.y_min_1), size=(width1, height1), class_="region2", ) ) self.region.add( shapes.Rect(insert=(0, 0), size=(width, height), class_="region1") )
def _add_origin_marker(self): self.dwgbg.add( shapes.Line( start=(0, 1 * self.scale), end=(0, -1 * self.scale), class_="origin" ) ) self.dwgbg.add( shapes.Line( start=(1 * self.scale, 0), end=(-1 * self.scale, 0), class_="origin" ) ) def _create_arrowhead(self, hex_color): DRMarker = self.dwg.marker( refX="30", refY="30", viewBox="0 0 120 120", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="8", markerHeight="10", orient="auto", ) DRMarker.add(self.dwg.path(d="M 0 0 L 60 30 L 0 60 z", fill=hex_color)) self.dwg.defs.add(DRMarker) return DRMarker def _create_termination(self, hex_color): DRMarker = self.dwg.marker( refX="0", refY="0", viewBox="-10 -30 20 60", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="4", markerHeight="10", orient="auto", ) DRMarker.add( shapes.Rect(insert=(-5, -15), height="30", width="10", fill=hex_color) ) self.dwg.defs.add(DRMarker) return DRMarker def _add_stylehseet(self): """ Adds custom stylesheet to the SVG image """ self.dwg.defs.add( """ text{font-family: LATO; font-weight: 800; font-size: 25px;} svg{outline: 1px solid grey; outline-offset: -2px;} .module_boundary{fill:#f4f0e6} .origin{stroke: red; stroke-width: 1;} .channel{stroke: grey; stroke-width: 4;} .switch{stroke: black; fill:blue; stroke-width: 0;} .short{stroke: black; fill:black; stroke-width: 0;} .inpin{stroke: red;stroke-width: 4;} .outpin{stroke: green;stroke-width: 4;} .rl_chan{stroke: red;} .lr_chan{stroke: blue;} .lr_text{fill: blue;} .rl_text{fill: red;} .bt_chan{stroke: red;} .bt_text{fill: red;} .tb_chan{stroke: blue;} .tb_text{fill: blue;} .region1{fill: #CCE7D4;} .region2{fill: #F8AC92;} .region3{fill: #C4E7EB;} .region4{fill: #F5F3C9;} .boundry{stroke: red;stroke-width: 10;fill: none;opacity: 10%;} .OPIN{fill: green;} .left_pin{ fill:blue; text-anchor: start; transform: translate(5px, 00px) scale(1,-1);} .right_pin{ fill:blue; text-anchor: end; transform: translate(-5px, 00px) scale(1,-1);} .bottom_pin{ fill:blue; transform-box: fill-box; transform-origin: start; text-anchor: start; transform: translate(0px, 10px) rotate(90deg) scale(1,-1);} .top_pin{ fill:blue; transform-box: fill-box; transform-origin: bottom left; text-anchor: start; transform: translate(0px, -3px) rotate(-90deg) scale(1,-1);} .in_pin{fill: blue !important;} .out_pin{fill: red !important;} """ ) ) def _setup_svg(self): # Variables for SVG rendering self.dwg = Drawing() self.dwgbg = self.dwg.add(Group(id="bg")) self.region = self.dwg.add(Group(id="region", transform="scale(1,-1)")) self.core = self.dwg.add(Group(id="mainframe")) self.dwgShapes = self.core.add(Group(id="mainShapes", transform="scale(1,-1)")) self.switches = self.core.add(Group(id="switches", transform="scale(1,-1)")) self.dwgText = self.core.add(Group(id="mainText", transform="scale(1,-1)")) self.marker_red = self._create_arrowhead("red") self.marker_green = self._create_arrowhead("green") self.marker_blue = self._create_arrowhead("blue") self.marker_terminate = self._create_termination("blue")