Source code for spydrnet_physical.util.tile02

This class is created for OpenFPGA related netlist transformations
import logging

from spydrnet_physical.util import Tile01

logger = logging.getLogger('spydrnet_logs')

[docs]class Tile02(Tile01): """ Creates Tile02 style tiling structure """
[docs] def create_tiles(self): ''' Creates tiles ''' # ############## Main Tiles ############## self._main_tile() # ############## Side Tiles ############## self._right_tile() self._top_tile() # # ############## Corner Tiles ############## self._top_left_tile() self._top_right_tile() self._bottom_left_tile() self._bottom_right_tile() self._left_tile() self._bottom_tile() self.fpga_size[0] += 1 self.fpga_size[1] += 1
[docs] def merge_and_update_wrapper(self, instance_list, tile_name): ''' This method takes the group of list of instances and create a multiple instances list ''' if not instance_list: return # Create first tile keys = sorted(instance_list.keys(), reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(instance_list[x])) self.merge_and_update(instance_list[keys[0]], tile_name) # Create extra tile for indx, key in enumerate(keys[1:]): self.merge_and_update(instance_list[key], f"{tile_name}_{indx+1}")
[docs] def merge_and_update(self, instance_list, tile_name): """ Merges given list of instances and updates width and height parameter """ self._top_module.merge_multiple_instance(instance_list, new_definition_name=tile_name) tile = next(self._library.get_definitions(tile_name)) tile.OptPins() self._update_placement(instance_list)
def _get_width_height(self, instance_list): x_min, y_min = float("inf"), float("inf") x_max, y_max = 0, 0 for instance in instance_list[0][0]: properties = ref_properties = LOC_X = properties.get("LOC_X", 0) LOC_Y = properties.get("LOC_Y", 0) x_min = min(x_min, LOC_X) y_min = min(y_min, LOC_Y) x_max = max(x_max, LOC_X+ref_properties["WIDTH"]) y_max = max(y_max, LOC_Y+ref_properties["HEIGHT"]) return ((x_max-x_min), (y_max-y_min)) def _update_placement(self, instance_list): x_loc, y_loc = float("inf"), float("inf") # get instance with llx and lly value for indx, instance in enumerate(instance_list[0][0]): x ="LOC_X", 0) y ="LOC_Y", 0) if (x < x_loc): index_x, x_loc = indx, x if (y < y_loc): index_y, y_loc = indx, y for instances, new_name in instance_list: new_inst = next(self._top_module.get_instances(new_name))["LOC_X"] = instances[index_x].properties.get( "LOC_X", 0)["LOC_Y"] = instances[index_y].properties.get( "LOC_Y", 0) logger.debug("%s assigned %d %d", new_name,["LOC_X"],["LOC_Y"])
[docs] def _main_tile(self): '''Create main Tiles .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ | | +-------+ +---- ---+ | CBY | | SB | +-------+ +---- ---+ +---------------+ | | | | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | | | | CLB | | CBX | | | +-----+ | | +---------------+ ''' instance_list = {} for x in range(1, self.fpga_size[0]): for y in range(1, self.fpga_size[1]): try: clb, cbx, cby, sb = None, None, None, None clb = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"grid_clb_{x}__{y}_")) cbx = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cbx_{x}__{y}_")) cby = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cby_{x}__{y}_")) sb = next(self._top_module.get_instances(f"sb_{x}__{y}_")) category = f"{}_{}" category += f"_{}_{}" instance_list[category] = instance_list.get(category, []) instance_list[category].append(((clb, cbx, cby, sb), f"tile_{x+1}__{y+1}_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at [%s %s] %s %s %s %s", x, y, clb, cbx, cby, sb) self.merge_and_update_wrapper(instance_list, "tile")
[docs] def _left_tile(self): ''' Create Left Tiles .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ | | | +--+ | SB | | +--+ | | +-----+ +-----+ | | | CBX | +-----+ ''' instance_list = {} for i in range(1, self.fpga_size[1]): try: cby0, sb0 = None, None cby0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances(f"cby_0__{i}_")) sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances(f"sb_0__{i}_")) category = f"_{}_{}" instance_list[category] = instance_list.get(category, []) instance_list[category].append(((cby0, sb0,), f"tile_1__{i+1}_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at [%s] %s %s", i, cby0, sb0) self.merge_and_update_wrapper(instance_list, "left_tile")
[docs] def _right_tile(self): ''' Create Right Tiles .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ | | +-------+ +--+ | | CBY | | SB | +-------+ +--+ | +--------------+ | | | | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | | | | CLB | | CBX | | | +-----+ | | +--------------+ ''' instance_list = {} for i in range(1, self.fpga_size[0]): try: clb, cbx1, cby0, sb0 = None, None, None, None clb = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"grid_clb_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{i}_")) cbx1 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cbx_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{i}_")) cby0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cby_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{i}_")) sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"sb_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{i}_")) category = f"{}_{}" category += f"_{}_{}" instance_list[category] = instance_list.get(category, []) instance_list[category].append(((clb, cbx1, cby0, sb0), f"tile_{self.fpga_size[0]+1}__{i+1}_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at %s [right] %s %s %s %s", i, clb, cbx1, cby0, sb0) self.merge_and_update_wrapper(instance_list, "right_tile")
[docs] def _top_tile(self): ''' Create Top Tiles .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-------+ +------------+ | CBY | | SB | +-------+ +---+ +--+ +--------------+ | | | | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | | | | CLB | | CBX | | | +-----+ | | +--------------+ ''' instance_list = {} for i in range(1, self.fpga_size[0]): try: clb, cbx, cby, sb = None, None, None, None clb = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"grid_clb_{i}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) cbx = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cbx_{i}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) cby = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cby_{i}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) sb = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"sb_{i}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) category = f"{}_{}" category += f"_{}_{}" instance_list[category] = instance_list.get(category, []) instance_list[category].append(((clb, cbx, cby, sb), f"tile_{i+1}__{self.fpga_size[1]+1}_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at %s [right] %s %s %s %s", i, clb, cbx, cby, sb) self.merge_and_update_wrapper(instance_list, "top_tile")
[docs] def _bottom_tile(self): ''' Create Bottom Tiles .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ | | +-------+ +---+ +--+ | CBY | | SB | +-------+ +------------+ ''' instance_list = {} try: for i in range(1, self.fpga_size[0]): cbx0, sb0 = None, None cbx0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances(f"cbx_{i}__0_")) sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances(f"sb_{i}__0_")) category = f"{}_{}" instance_list[category] = instance_list.get(category, []) instance_list[category].append(((cbx0, sb0), f"tile_{i+1}__1_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at %s [bottom] %s %s", i, cbx0, sb0) self.merge_and_update_wrapper(instance_list, "bottom_tile")
[docs] def _top_left_tile(self): ''' Create top left tile .. rst-class:: ascii :: +--------+ | SB | | +--+ | | +-----+ +-----+ | | | CBY | +-----+ ''' instance_list = [] try: cby0, sb0 = None, None cby0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cby_0__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"sb_0__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) instance_list.append(((sb0, cby0), f"tile_1__{self.fpga_size[1]+1}_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at top_left %s %s", cby0, sb0) return self.merge_and_update(instance_list, "top_left_tile")
[docs] def _top_right_tile(self): ''' Create top right tile .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-------+ +---------+ | CBY | | SB | +-------+ +---+ | +--------------+ | | | | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | | | | CLB | | CBX | | | +-----+ | | +--------------+ ''' instance_list = [] try: clb, cbx0, cby0, sb0 = None, None, None, None clb = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"grid_clb_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) cbx0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cbx_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) cby0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cby_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"sb_{self.fpga_size[0]}__{self.fpga_size[1]}_")) instance_list.append(((clb, cbx0, cby0, sb0), f"tile_{self.fpga_size[0]+1}__{self.fpga_size[1]+1}_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at top_right %s %s %s %s", clb, cbx0, cby0, sb0) return self.merge_and_update(instance_list, "top_right_tile")
[docs] def _bottom_left_tile(self): ''' Create bottom left tile .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ | | | +--+ | SB | +--------+ ''' instance_list = [] try: sb0 = None sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances("sb_0__0_")) instance_list.append(((sb0,), "tile_1__1_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at bottom_left %s", sb0) return self.merge_and_update(instance_list, "bottom_left_tile")
[docs] def _bottom_right_tile(self): ''' Create bottom right tile .. rst-class:: ascii :: +-----+ | | | CBX | +-----+ +-----+ | | +---+ | | SB | +---------+ ''' instance_list = [] try: cbx0, sb0 = None, None cbx0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"cbx_{self.fpga_size[0]}__0_")) sb0 = next(self._top_module.get_instances( f"sb_{self.fpga_size[0]}__0_")) instance_list.append(((cbx0, sb0), f"tile_{self.fpga_size[0]+1}__1_")) except StopIteration: logger.debug("Missing instance at bottom_right %s %s", cbx0, sb0) return self.merge_and_update(instance_list, "bottom_right_tile")