from copy import deepcopy
DEFAULT_COLOR = " black"
[docs]class ConnectPoint:
This class stores information of each connection made in the grid.
Each connection is strictly either vertical or horizontal,
the diagonal connections are invalid. Following properties
are store with each connection
[docs] def __init__(self, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, color=DEFAULT_COLOR,
from_x, from_y = int(from_x), int(from_y)
to_x, to_y = int(to_x), int(to_y)
assert not ((from_x == to_x) and (from_y == to_y)), \
"Can not make connection to the same grid"
assert ((from_x == to_x) and (from_y != to_y)) or \
((from_x != to_x) and (from_y == to_y)), \
"Only horizontal or vertical connections are possible " + \
f"{from_x} {from_y} {to_x} {to_y}"
self.from_x, self.from_y = (from_x, from_y)
self.to_x, self.to_y = (to_x, to_y)
self.from_dir = ""
self.to_dir = ""
self._level = level
self._color = color
self._buffer = ""
def level(self):
''' Returns connection level '''
return self._level
def connection(self):
''' Return ``from`` and ``to`` connection points ()
(``from_x``, ``from_y``, ``to_x``, ``to_y``)'''
return (self.from_x, self.from_y, self.to_x, self.to_y)
def full_connection(self):
''' return all four connection points '''
return (self.from_x, self.from_y, self.to_x, self.to_y, self.from_dir, self.to_dir)
def from_connection(self):
''' return from connection points '''
return (self.from_x, self.from_y)
def to_connection(self):
''' return to connection points '''
return (self.to_x, self.to_y)
def distance(self):
''' return the connection distance '''
return abs(self.from_x-self.to_x) + abs(self.from_y-self.to_y)
def color(self):
''' return color of connection '''
return self._color
def buffer(self):
''' Returns buffer value '''
return bool(self._buffer)
def is_buffered(self):
''' Returns connection level '''
return bool(self._buffer)
def buffer(self, value):
self._buffer = str(value)
def from_connection(self, points):
self.from_x, self.from_y = points
return (self.from_x, self.from_y)
def to_connection(self, points):
self.to_x, self.to_y = points
return (self.to_x, self.to_y)
def color(self, color):
self._color = color
return self._color
def level(self, value):
''' Sets connection level '''
self._level = value
return self._level
def move(self, x=0, y=0):
self.from_x += x
self.from_y += y
self.to_x += x
self.to_y += y
return self
[docs] def flip_connection(self, orientation):
This methods flips the connection depending upon the orientation,
Valid arguments (V, H, v, h)
orientation (str): The orientation can be vertical or horizontal
if orientation.lower() == "v":
self.from_y *= -1
self.to_y *= -1
elif orientation.lower() == "h":
self.from_x *= -1
self.to_x *= -1
raise Exception(orientation + " Orinetation is not supported" +
"Supported arguments (V, H, v, h)")
def rotate_connection(self, angle, sizex=None, sizey=None):
self.from_x, self.from_y = self._rotate_point(
angle=angle, sizex=sizex, sizey=sizey)
self.to_x, self.to_y = self._rotate_point(
angle=angle, sizex=sizex, sizey=sizey)
[docs] def translate_connection(self, x, y):
Translates the connection by given x and y value
x(int): Horizontal shift in the connection
y(int): Vertical shift in the connection
self.from_x, self.from_y = self.from_x + x, self.from_y+y
self.to_x, self.to_y = self.to_x + x, self.to_y+y
[docs] def scale_connection(self, scale, anchor=(0, 0)):
Scale up the connection by multipying the connection_from
and connection_to coordinates with the scaling factor.
This methd used to expand the exiting conenction
scale(int): Scale by which connection will be enlarged
self.translate_connection(-1*anchor[0], -1*anchor[1])
self.from_x, self.from_y = self.from_x * scale, self.from_y * scale
self.to_x, self.to_y = self.to_x * scale, self.to_y * scale
self.translate_connection(anchor[0], anchor[1])
def _update_direction(self):
self.to_dir = self.direction()
self.from_dir = self.direction(reverse=True)
[docs] def direction(self, reverse=False):
This method extracts the direction of the connection.
Direction is derived by subtracting the x and y coordinates
of the to and from connection and
if the value of X is 0 and the value of Y is:
>1 direction = Top <1 direction = Bottom
and if the value of Y is 0 and X is
>1 direction = Right <1 direction = Left
It returns the actual and reversed (if reverse = True) direction of the connect point.
reverse(bool): Reverse the connection (default=false)
str: Returns one of these strings ['right', 'left', 'bottom', 'top']
dx, dy = tuple(x-y for x, y in
zip(self.to_connection, self.from_connection))
if dx == 0 and dy > 0:
direction = "top"
elif dx == 0 and dy < 0:
direction = "bottom"
elif dx > 0 and dy == 0:
direction = "right"
elif dx < 0 and dy == 0:
direction = "left"
direction = None
if reverse:
return direction
return {"left": "right", "right": "left",
"top": "bottom", "bottom": "top"}[direction]
def _rotate_point(point, angle, sizex=None, sizey=None):
Rotates the connection point by the given angle
angle (int): Valid angles are (0, 90, 180, 270, 360, -90, -180, -270, -360)
tuple : (x, y)
x, y = point
angle = (360 + int(angle)) if int(angle) < 0 else int(angle)
if angle in (90, ):
return(sizex-y+1, x)
elif angle in (180, ):
return(sizex-x+1, sizey-y+1)
elif angle in (270, ):
return(y, sizey-x+1)
return point
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.connection
def __str__(self):
return "%5d %5d %5d %5d [%s] [%s]" % \
(self.from_x, self.from_y, self.to_x, self.to_y, self._level, self._buffer)
def __mul__(self, scale):
Returns to and from coordinates after multipluing
them with the scaling factor
pt = deepcopy(self)
pt.from_connection = (scale*self.from_x, scale*self.from_y)
pt.to_connection = (scale*self.to_x, scale*self.to_y)
return pt
def __rmul__(self, scale):
Returns to and from coordinates after multipluing
them with the scaling factor
pt = deepcopy(self)
pt.from_connection = (scale*self.from_x, scale*self.from_y)
pt.to_connection = (scale*self.to_x, scale*self.to_y)
return pt