Source code for util.ConnectPointList

import csv
import math
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List
from xml.dom import minidom

import networkx as nx
import spydrnet as sdn
import svgwrite
from spydrnet_physical.util import ConnectPoint
from svgwrite.container import Group

DEFAULT_COLOR = " black"

logger = logging.getLogger('spydrnet_logs')

[docs]class ConnectPointList: ''' This stores list of connection points '''
[docs] def __init__(self, sizex=None, sizey=None, point=None): self.sizex = sizex self.sizey = sizey self._points: List[ConnectPoint] = [] self._cursor = [] self._cursor_state = True if point: self.add_connect_point(point)
@property def points(self): "Returns list of ConnectionPoints" return self._points @property def cursor(self): "Returns current location of cursor" return self._cursor @cursor.setter def cursor(self, point): ''' Cursor is placed at the specified point Args: point (int, int): (x,y) coordinates where cursor is to be placed ''' self._cursor = point return self._cursor @property def get_x(self): " Returns location of cursor " return self._cursor[0] @property def get_y(self): ''' returns y location of cursor ''' return self._cursor[1]
[docs] def set_cursor(self, x, y): ''' Sets cursor at given x, y coordinate Args: x (int): point on the x-axis where cursor is to be placed y (int): point on the y-axis where cursor is to be placed Returns: self: self ConnectionPointList object ''' self._cursor = (x, y) return self
[docs] def set_color(self, color): ''' Set color to all the points in the connection list Args: color (str): Specify a color for connect point list e.g 'red', 'blue', 'green', etc. ''' for each in self._points: each.color = color return self
[docs] def store_points(self, filename): ''' Stores all points and its attributes in csv format in the file ''' with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as file_ptr: file_ptr.write("# Generated using SpyDrNet-physical plugin\n") file_ptr.write("# fr_x fr_y to_x to_y type buffer\n") file_ptr.write("= = "*10 + "\n") for point in self.points: file_ptr.write(str(point)+"\n")
[docs] def validate_connectivity(self): """ This fucntion checks following * If there is any connection coming outside from range (0-sizex+1) or (0-sizey+1) * If there is any redundant connections """ # Check if signal enter module multiple times"Checking consistency of the connection file") point: ConnectPoint in_mapping = [[0 for _ in range(self.sizey+2)] for _ in range(self.sizex+2)] for point in self._points: if point.to_x >= self.sizex+2: logger.warning("Pointx out of range %d", point.to_x) continue if point.to_y >= self.sizey+2: logger.warning("Pointy out of range %d", point.to_y) continue if in_mapping[point.to_x][point.to_y]: logger.warning("Multiple input for instance (%d %d)", *point.to_connection) in_mapping[point.to_x][point.to_y] = 1
[docs] def load_points(self, filename, append=False, delimiter=" ", skiplines=3): ''' Loads all points and its attributes from the given csv file Format: from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, level, color ''' if not append: _ = [self._points.pop(0) for _ in list(self._points)] with open(filename, encoding="UTF-8") as pts_file: spamreader = csv.reader( pts_file, delimiter=delimiter, skipinitialspace=True) _ = [next(spamreader) for _ in range(skiplines)] for row in spamreader: point = self.add_connection(*row[:4]) if "top" in row[4]: self.make_top_connection(point) if "down" in row[4]: self.push_connection_down(point) if "up" in row[4]: self.pull_connection_up(point)
[docs] def load_points_from_svg(self, filename, group="markers", append=False, connection_color=None): ''' This method loads points from the SVG file. enabling UI based designing of connection file. ''' root = minidom.parse(filename) if not append: _ = [self._points.pop(0) for _ in list(self._points)] x_grid = [] y_grid = [] for conn in root.getElementsByTagName("line"): if "gridmarker" in conn.getAttribute('class'): x1 = float(conn.getAttribute("x1")) x2 = float(conn.getAttribute("x2")) y1 = float(conn.getAttribute("y1")) y2 = float(conn.getAttribute("y2")) if y1 == y2: y_grid.append(y1) if x1 == x2: x_grid.append(x1) x_grid = sorted(x_grid) y_grid = sorted(y_grid) x_origin = x_grid[0] y_origin = y_grid[0] # x_grid= min([ abs(a-b) for a,b in zip(x_grid[:-1], x_grid[1:])]) # y_grid= min([ abs(a-b) for a,b in zip(y_grid[:-1], y_grid[1:])]) logger.debug("Found vertical markers at %s", x_grid) logger.debug("Found horizontal markers at %s", y_grid) x_grid = (max(x_grid)-min(x_grid))/(self.sizex) y_grid = (max(y_grid)-min(y_grid))/(self.sizey) logger.debug("Computed grid size is %.2f x %.2f", x_grid, y_grid) logger.debug("origin %.2f x %.2f", x_origin, y_origin) logger.debug( "x1 x2 y1 y2") for conn in root.getElementsByTagName("line"): conn_class = conn.getAttribute('class') x1 = 1 + \ math.floor( ((abs(float(conn.getAttribute("x1"))))-(x_origin))/x_grid) x2 = 1 + \ math.floor( ((abs(float(conn.getAttribute("x2"))))-(x_origin))/x_grid) y1 = 1 + \ math.floor( ((abs(float(conn.getAttribute("y1"))))-(y_origin))/y_grid) y2 = 1 + \ math.floor( ((abs(float(conn.getAttribute("y2"))))-(y_origin))/y_grid) if (x1 < 1 and x2 < 1) or (y1 < 1 and y2 < 1): continue if (x1 > self.sizex and x2 > self.sizex) or (y1 > self.sizey and y2 > self.sizey): continue if abs(y1 - y2) > abs(x1 - x2): direction = "top" if y2 > y1 else "bottom" elif abs(x1 - x2) > abs(y1 - y2): direction = "right" if x2 > x1 else "left" else: logger.warning("Can not identify the connection direction %s [Dx %.2f, Dy %.2f]", conn.attributes.items(), abs(x1 - x2), abs(y1 - y2)) continue conn_type = "up" if "up" in conn_class else "down" \ if "down" in conn_class else "same" points_info = f"{x1:8.2f}[{conn.getAttribute('x1'):14s}] " + \ f"{y1:8.2f}[{conn.getAttribute('y1'):14s}] " + \ f"{x2:8.2f}[{conn.getAttribute('x2'):14s}] " + \ f"{y2:8.2f}[{conn.getAttribute('y2'):14s}] " + \ f"-> {direction:>8s}[{conn_type:^4s}]" if connection_color: color = [tag for tag in conn.getAttribute("style").split(";") if "stroke" in tag] color = color if color else conn.getAttribute("stroke") if not (connection_color in str(color)): continue if "connection" in conn_class: try: point = self.add_connection(abs(x1), abs(y1), abs(x2), abs(y2)) logger.debug("%s Added", points_info) except AssertionError as error: logger.debug("%s Skipped (%8s, %8s) : %s", points_info, conn.getAttribute("x1"), conn.getAttribute("y1"), error) if "top" in conn_class: self.make_top_connection(point) if "down" in conn_class: self.push_connection_down(point) if "up" in conn_class: self.pull_connection_up(point) elif conn_class.startswith("buffer"): point = self.search_point((abs(x1), abs(y1), abs(x2), abs(y2))) if point is None: logger.error("Buffer connection not found") else: point.buffer = conn_class logger.debug("%s Added buffer", points_info)
[docs] def search_point(self, points): ''' Search for connection going out of this point Note: Returns the first point Args: point (tuple): Point to search Returns: ConnectionPoint: ''' for pts in self._points: if (pts.from_connection == points[:2]) and ( pts.to_connection == points[2:] ): return pts return None
[docs] def search_from_point(self, point): ''' Search for connection going out of this point Note: Returns the first point Args: point (tuple): Point to search Returns: ConnectionPoint: ''' for pts in self._points: if (pts.from_connection == point): return pts return None
[docs] def search_to_point(self, point): ''' Search for connection coming into this point Note: Returns the first point Args: point (tuple): Point to search Returns: ConnectionPoint: ''' for pts in self._points: if (pts.to_connection == point): return pts return None
[docs] def push_connection_down(self, point): ''' Push given connection one-level down 'Push down' connection indicates that this connection is going down from the current level Args: point (tuple): Connetion point to push down Returns: ConnectionPoint: ''' if isinstance(point, tuple): point = self.search_to_point(point) point.level = "down" return point
[docs] def pull_connection_up(self, point): ''' Pull given connections one-level up 'Pull up' connection indicates that this connection is coming from one level above this level Args: point (tuple): Connetion point to pull up ''' if isinstance(point, tuple): point = self.search_from_point(point) point.level = "up" return point
[docs] def make_top_connection(self, point): ''' Make connection with the top layer Args: point (tuple): Connetion point to push down Returns: ConnectionPoint: ''' if isinstance(point, tuple): point = self.search_from_point(point) point.level = "top" return point
[docs] def reset_level(self, point): ''' Resets the level of the connections Args: point (ConnectPoint): It is a ConnectPoint object ''' assert isinstance(point, ConnectPoint), \ "point should be instance of ConnectPoint class not " + type(point) point.level = "same"
[docs] def hold_cursor(self): ''' Holds the cursor at current position ''' self._cursor_state = False
[docs] def release_cursor(self): ''' Releases cursor and moves with each point addition ''' self._cursor_state = True
[docs] def flip(self, orientation="H"): ''' Flips all the points horizontally or vertically Args: orientation: "H" or "V" (default="H") ''' for point in self._points: point.flip_connection(orientation) return self
[docs] def sample_connections(self, max_distance=1): ''' This method splits all the connections longer that ``max_distance`` to at max ``max_distance`` length Args: max_distance (int): int to sample the connection at this value ''' cursor_backup = self._cursor for _, each in enumerate(self._points): if each.distance > max_distance: self._cursor = (each.from_x, each.from_y) for i in range(max_distance, each.distance, max_distance): if each.from_dir == "right": self.move_x(value=max_distance) elif each.from_dir == "left": self.move_x(value=-1*max_distance) if each.from_dir == "top": self.move_y(value=max_distance) elif each.from_dir == "bottom": self.move_y(value=-1*max_distance) each.from_x, each.from_y = self._cursor self._cursor = cursor_backup
[docs] def crop_edges(self): ''' Crops all the connections going out of grid ''' for point in self._points: for eachp in ('from_x', 'to_x'): pt = getattr(point, eachp) if pt < 0: setattr(point, eachp, 0) if pt > self.sizex: setattr(point, eachp, 0) for eachp in ('from_y', 'to_y'): pt = getattr(point, eachp) if pt < 0: setattr(point, eachp, 0) if pt > self.sizey: setattr(point, eachp, 0)
def trim_borders(self): for point in self._points[::-1]: if (point.from_x > self.sizex) or (point.to_x > self.sizex) \ or (point.from_y > self.sizey) or (point.to_y > self.sizey): self._points.remove(point) if (point.from_x < 1) or (point.to_x < 1) \ or (point.from_y < 1) or (point.to_y < 1): self._points.remove(point) return self
[docs] def create_graph(self): """ Returns networksx object of the given connection point list Returns: nx.DiGraph: Returns networkx object of the given ConnectionPointList """ graph = nx.DiGraph(directed=True) for conn in self._points: from_node = "_%d_%d_" % conn.from_connection to_node = "_%d_%d_" % conn.to_connection graph.add_edge(from_node, to_node) return graph
[docs] def merge(self, connectlist): ''' Merges different ConnectPointList together into one Connect Point List Args: connectlist (ConnectPointList): provide with a ConnectPointList Returns: ConnectPointList: Return self object ''' self._points.extend(connectlist.points) return self
[docs] def scale(self, scale, anchor=(0, 0)): ''' Scales the connect point list from an anchor position Args: scale: scale at which ConnectPointList is expanded anchor: (x,y) coordinates of an anchor point Returns: ConnectPointList: Return self object ''' for point in self._points: point.scale_connection(scale, anchor) return self
[docs] def translate(self, x, y): ''' Moves the connect point list in x y coordinates Args: x(int): Steps in x-axis y(int): Steps in y-axis ''' for point in self._points: point.translate_connection(x, y) return self
[docs] def rotate(self, angle=0): ''' Rotates the connect point list at right angles Args: angle (int): degree of rotations (0, 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, -270) Returns: ConnectPointList: Return self object ''' angles = (0, 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, -270, 'CW', 'ACW') assert angle in angles, "Supports only %s degree rotations" % angles for point in self._points: point.rotate_connection(angle, sizex=self.sizex, sizey=self.sizey) return self
[docs] def add_next_point(self, x, y): ''' Adds the next point in the connect point list Args: x: next point x-axis coordinate y: next point y-axis coordinate Returns: ConnectPoint: Return new added point ''' x_prev, y_prev = self._cursor point = ConnectPoint(x_prev, y_prev, x, y) self.add_connect_point(point) self._update_cursor() return point
[docs] def move_cursor_x(self, value=1): ''' Places the cursor on the specified x coordinate without connection Args: value: steps cursor moves in the x-axis ''' self._cursor = self._cursor[0]+value, self._cursor[1]
[docs] def move_cursor_y(self, value=1): ''' Places the cursor on the specified y coordinate without connection Args: value: steps cursor moves in the y-axis ''' self._cursor = self._cursor[0], self._cursor[1]+value
[docs] def move_x(self, value=1, steps=1, color=DEFAULT_COLOR): ''' Moves cursor in x direction by specified steps times by specified value Args: value: specified value by which cursor moves in the x-axis steps: times cursor is moved color: specify the color of this connection e.g red, blue, green, etc. Returns: ConnectPointList: Return self object ''' x_prev, y_prev = self._cursor for _ in range(steps): point = ConnectPoint(x_prev, y_prev, x_prev+value, y_prev) point.color = color self.add_connect_point(point) x_prev, y_prev = (x_prev+value, y_prev) self._update_cursor() return self
[docs] def move_y(self, value=1, steps=1, color=DEFAULT_COLOR): ''' Moves cursor in y direction by specified steps times by specified value Args: value: specified value by which cursor moves in the y-axis steps: times cursor is moved color: specify the color of this connection e.g red, blue, green, etc. Returns: self: return self object ''' x_prev, y_prev = self._cursor for _ in range(steps): point = ConnectPoint(x_prev, y_prev, x_prev, y_prev+value) point.color = color self.add_connect_point(point) x_prev, y_prev = (x_prev, y_prev+value) self._update_cursor() return self
def _update_cursor(self): if self._cursor_state: self._cursor = self._points[-1].to_connection return self._cursor def __str__(self): lines = "" for p in self._points: lines += str(p) lines += "\n" return lines
[docs] def add_connect_point(self, point): ''' Adds a connect point in the connect point list Args: point (ConnectPoint): It is a cConnectPoint object Returns: ConnectPoint: Returns new ConnectPoint ''' assert isinstance(point, ConnectPoint) self._points.append(point) self._update_cursor() return point
[docs] def add_connection(self, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y): ''' Creates a new connection at the given from and to points and add it to the connect point list Args: from_x (int): point on x coordinate from which connection starts from_y (int): point on y coordinate from which connection starts to_x (int): point on x coordinate where connection ends to_y (int): point on y coordinate where connection ends Returns: ConnectionPoint: New ConnectionPoint object ''' point = ConnectPoint(from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y) self._points.append(point) self._update_cursor() return point
[docs] def render_pattern(self, scale=20): ''' This renderes connection points list in a SVG format Args: connect (list): collection connection pattern returns: str(str): return svg string ''' sizex = max([max(x1, x2) for x1, y1, x2, y2 in self._points])+1 sizey = max([max(y1, y2) for x1, y1, x2, y2 in self._points])+1 width = sizex*scale height = sizey*scale x_offset = 0 y_offset = -1*height dwg = svgwrite.Drawing("_render.svg", size=(width, height)) dwg.viewbox(x_offset, y_offset, width, height) dwgMarker = dwg.add(Group(id="markers", transform="scale(1,-1)")) dwgMain = dwg.add(Group(id="main", transform="scale(1,-1)")) # Add arrow marker dir_marker = dwg.marker(refX="30", refY="30", id="conn_marker", viewBox="0 0 120 120", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="5", markerHeight="10", orient="auto") dir_marker.add(dwg.path(d="M 0 0 L 60 30 L 0 60 z", fill="blue")) dwg.defs.add(dir_marker) # Add down connection marker down_conn = dwg.marker( viewBox="-15 -15 30 30", id="down_conn_marker", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="5", markerHeight="10", orient="auto", ) down_conn.add(dwg.rect(insert=(-10, -10), size=(20, 20), fill="green")) down_conn.add(dwg.path(d="M 8 0 L -8 8 L -8 -8 z", fill="blue")) dwg.defs.add(down_conn) # Add up conenction marker up_conn = dwg.marker( viewBox="-15 -15 30 30", id="up_conn_marker", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="5", markerHeight="10", orient="auto", ) up_conn.add(dwg.rect(insert=(-10, -10), size=(20, 20), fill="green")) up_conn.add(dwg.path(d="M 8 0 L -8 8 L -8 -8 z", fill="blue")) dwg.defs.add(up_conn) # Top connection marker top_marker = dwg.marker( viewBox="-15 -15 30 30", id="top_conn_marker", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="5", markerHeight="10", orient="auto", ) top_marker.add(dwg.line(start=(0, -15), end=(0, 15), stroke_width="5px", stroke="red")) dwg.defs.add(top_marker) # Top connection marker buffer_marker = dwg.marker( viewBox="-15 -15 30 30", id="buffer_marker", markerUnits="strokeWidth", markerWidth="30", markerHeight="15", orient="auto", ) buffer_marker.add( dwg.path( d="M 8 0 L -8 8 L -8 -8 z", fill="red" ) ) dwg.defs.add(buffer_marker) dwg.defs.add( """ text{font-family: Lato;} span{text-anchor: "middle"; alignment_baseline: "middle"} .gridLabels{fill: grey;font-style: italic;font-weight: 900} .gridmarker{stroke:red; stroke-width:0.2; opacity: 0.7;} """ + f""" .connection{{ opacity: 0.75; marker-end:url(#{dir_marker.get_id()}); stroke-width:1.2;}} .down{{stroke-dasharray: 2; marker-end:url(#{up_conn.get_id()});}} .up{{stroke-dasharray: 2; marker-start:url(#{down_conn.get_id()});}} .top{{stroke-dasharray: 2; marker-start:url(#{top_marker.get_id()});}} .buffer{{marker-mid:url(#{buffer_marker.get_id()});}} """ ) ) for conn in self._points: conn_new = conn*scale buffer = " buffer" if conn.buffer else "" from_conn = tuple(map(round, conn_new.from_connection)) to_conn = tuple(map(round, conn_new.to_connection)) dwgMain.add( dwg.path( d="M %d %d " % from_conn + "L %d " % abs((from_conn[0] + to_conn[0]) / 2) + "%d " % abs((from_conn[1] + to_conn[1]) / 2) + "L %d %d" % to_conn, stroke=conn.color, class_=f"connection {conn.level}{buffer}", ) ) # dwgMain.add(dwg.line(start=tuple(map(round, conn_new.from_connection)), # end=tuple(map(round, conn_new.to_connection)), # stroke=conn.color, # class_=f"connection {conn.level}{buffer}")) return dwg
[docs] def get_reference(self, netlist, x, y): ''' Return reference for the given tile location ''' inst = self.get_top_instance(netlist, x, y) return if isinstance(inst, sdn.Instance) else inst
[docs] def get_top_instance(self, netlist: sdn.Netlist, x, y): ''' Return reference for the given tile location Returns: sdn.Instance: Returns SpyDrNet instance ''' if 0 in (x, y): return "top" instance_name = self.get_top_instance_name(x, y) try: return next(netlist.top_instance.reference.get_instances(instance_name)) except StopIteration: logger.exception("Instance not found %s", instance_name)
[docs] def get_top_instance_name(self, x, y): ''' Returns the instance from top_level design Returns: str: Instance name ''' return "PlaceholderModule"
[docs] def print_port_stat(self, netlist, filename=None): ''' This print ports generation statistics ''' stat = self.show_stats(netlist) output = [] format_str = "{:25s} | {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} | {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3}" default = { "left": 0, "right": 0, "top": 0, "bottom": 0 } output.append("= "*32) output.append("{:25s} | {:^15} | {:^15}".format('Module', "In", "Out")) output.append(format_str.format('Module', "L", "R", "T", "B", "L", "R", "T", "B")) output.append("= "*32) for module, mstat in stat.items(): output.append(format_str.format( module, mstat.get("in", default)["left"] or '-', mstat.get("in", default)["right"] or '-', mstat.get("in", default)["top"] or '-', mstat.get("in", default)["bottom"] or '-', mstat.get("out", default)["left"] or '-', mstat.get("out", default)["right"] or '-', mstat.get("out", default)["top"] or '-', mstat.get("out", default)["bottom"] or '-')) if filename: with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(output)) return output
[docs] def show_stats(self, netlist, additional_ports=None): ''' Extracts the connectivity statistics for port and connection creation ''' mstat = additional_ports if additional_ports else {} for point in self._points: if point.level in ["same", "down"]: from_conn = self.get_reference(netlist, *point.from_connection) mstat[from_conn] = mstat.get(from_conn, {}) mstat[from_conn]["out"] = mstat[from_conn].get( "out", {"left": 0, "right": 0, "top": 0, "bottom": 0}) mstat[from_conn]["out"][point.direction(reverse=True)] += 1 if point.level in ["same", "up", "top"]: to_conn = self.get_reference(netlist, *point.to_connection) mstat[to_conn] = mstat.get(to_conn, {}) mstat[to_conn]["in"] = mstat[to_conn].get( "in", {"left": 0, "right": 0, "top": 0, "bottom": 0}) mstat[to_conn]["in"][point.direction(reverse=False)] += 1 return OrderedDict((module, mstat[module]) for module in sorted(mstat))
[docs] def create_ft_ports(self, netlist: sdn.Netlist, port_name: str, cable: sdn.Cable, additional_ports=None): ''' Create feedthrough port on the given module Args: netlist (Netlist): netlist port (str): port name on each module ''' for m_name, values in self.show_stats(netlist, additional_ports).items(): if m_name == "top": continue # Get current module module: sdn.Definition = next(netlist.get_definitions(m_name)) # Get the signal port if it exist in the cirrect module port: sdn.Port = next(module.get_ports(port_name), None) # Create input ports on the module prev_cable = None # rotate anti-clockwise and create input connections for inp in [k for k, v in values.get("in", {}).items() if v > 0]: module.create_port(f"{port_name}_{inp}_in", pins=cable.size, direction=sdn.IN) cable = module.create_cable(f"{port_name}_{inp}_in", wires=cable.size) if prev_cable: prev_cable.assign_cable(cable) prev_cable = cable # if the port exist (which means signal is used in this port) # Create assignement statement fo the signal signal_net = prev_cable if prev_cable and port: prev_cable.assign_cable(next(port.get_cables())) signal_net = next(port.get_cables()) prev_cable = None # rotate clockwise and create output connections for outp in [k for k, v in values.get("out", {}).items() if v > 0][::-1]: module.create_port(f"{port_name}_{outp}_out", pins=cable.size, direction=sdn.OUT) cable = module.create_cable(f"{port_name}_{outp}_out", wires=cable.size) if prev_cable: cable.assign_cable(prev_cable) prev_cable = cable if prev_cable: signal_net.assign_cable(prev_cable) if port: module.remove_port(port)
[docs] def create_ft_connection(self, netlist: sdn.Netlist, signal_cable: sdn.Instance, down_port=None, up_port=None, top_cable=None): ''' Performs top level connection using connection file Args: netlist(sdn.Netlist): Top level netlist signal_cable(str): Current level signal port down_port(str) : Name of down level port ''' signal = cable = netlist.top_instance.reference.create_cable(signal+"_ft") for point in self._points: logger.debug("Evaluating Point %s", point) if point.level == "up": continue w = cable.create_wire() assign_name = f"{signal}_{point.to_x}_{point.to_y}_top_assign" if point.level == "top": top_cable.assign_cable(cable, upper=len(cable.wires), lower=len(cable.wires)-1, assign_instance_name=assign_name) elif (0 in point.from_connection) or \ (self.sizex+1 == point.from_connection[0]) or \ (self.sizey+1 == point.from_connection[1]): signal_cable.assign_cable(cable, upper=w.get_index, lower=w.get_index, assign_instance_name=assign_name) else: inst = self.get_top_instance(netlist, *point.from_connection) port_name = f"{signal}_{point.from_dir}_out" try: w.connect_pin(next(inst.get_port_pins(port_name))) except AssertionError: logger.warning("%s -> %s",, next(inst.get_port_pins(port_name)) w = next(inst.get_port_pins(port_name)).wire if 0 in point.to_connection or \ (self.sizex+1 == point.to_connection[0]) or \ (self.sizey+1 == point.to_connection[1]): signal_cable.assign_cable( cable, upper=w.get_index, lower=w.get_index, assign_instance_name=assign_name) else: inst = self.get_top_instance(netlist, *point.to_connection) if point.level in ["same", "down"]: assert signal, "Singal is not defined for %s connection" % point.level port_name = { "same": f"{signal}_{point.to_dir}_in", "top": f"{signal}_{point.to_dir}_in", "down": f"{down_port}_{point.to_dir}_in"}[point.level] logger.debug("Connecting to pin %s", port_name) w.connect_pin(next(inst.get_port_pins(port_name))) # If the cable does not contain any wire remove it if len(cable.wires) == 0: netlist.top_instance.reference.remove_cable(cable)
[docs] def print_instance_grid_map(self): """ Prints mapping beetween grid cordinates and top level instances """ for y in range(self.sizey, 0, -1): for x in range(1, self.sizex+1): print(f"{self.get_top_instance_name(x, y):15}", end=" ") print("")
[docs] def print_reference_grid_map(self, netlist: sdn.Netlist): """ Prints mapping beetween grid cordinates and top level instance refereneces """ for y in range(self.sizey, 0, -1): for x in range(1, self.sizex+1): print(f"{self.get_reference(netlist, x, y):15}", end=" ") print("")
def __iter__(self): yield from self._points
[docs] def short_through(self, through_point): ''' Short all the incoming connections to this point with outgoing connections Note: Connects the last found incoming and outgoing point in the list Args: through_point (tuple): point to short through ''' incoming = None outgoing = None for point in self._points: if point.from_connection == through_point: outgoing = point if point.to_connection == through_point: incoming = point if incoming and outgoing: break assert isinstance( incoming, ConnectPoint), "Incoming connection not found" assert isinstance( outgoing, ConnectPoint), "Outgoing connection not found" incoming.to_x, incoming.to_y = outgoing.to_connection self._points.remove(outgoing)