Source code for util.ConnectionPattern

This file creates different connection patterns for connectivity

The connection pattern format

for external connections (its 45 degree clock wise rotation)
0, 0 : Left
None, 0 : bottom
None, None : Right
0, None : Top
import math

from spydrnet_physical.util import ConnectPointList
from svgwrite.container import Group

DEFAULT_COLOR = " black"

[docs]class ConnectionPattern: ''' This creates a connection patterns (`ConnectPointList`) based on pre-defined rule '''
[docs] def __init__(self, sizex, sizey): ''' Initialise FPGA parameters args: sizex (int): Width of FPGA grid sizey (int): Size of FPGA grid ''' self.sizex = sizex self.sizey = sizey self.xbias = 0 self.ybias = 0 self.dwg_main = None self._connect = ConnectPointList(sizex=sizex, sizey=sizey)
@property def svg_main(self): """ Returns the svgwrite drawing object, call after running ``render_pattern`` """ return self.dwg_main @ property def connections(self): """ Returns the ConnectPointList in current pattern """ return self._connect @ connections.setter def connections(self, value): self._connect = value return self._connect @ staticmethod def _get_prime_factors(number): prime_factors = [] while number % 2 == 0: prime_factors.append(2) number = number / 2 for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(number)) + 1, 2): while number % i == 0: prime_factors.append(int(i)) number = number / i if number > 2: prime_factors.append(int(number)) return prime_factors
[docs] @staticmethod def get_htree(size, root=0, side=0, repeat=1): ''' Returns H-Tree of specific size Args: root(int): Extension in the root connection (Default=0) side(int): Extension in the side connection (Default=0) repeat(int): NUmber of sides on each direction (Default=1) .. rst-class:: ascii :: ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | root | | +---------+----------+ | | | | | ^ | | | | | | SIDE v v | v v v | ^ ^ | +-+--+ | + | REPEAT + ''' points = ConnectPointList(sizex=size, sizey=size) size = size if size % 2 else (size-1) mid = (size+1)/2 points.cursor = (mid, mid) for _ in range(repeat): points.release_cursor() points.move_x(value=1, steps=int(mid/2)+root) points.hold_cursor() points.move_y(value=1, steps=int(mid/2)+side) points.move_y(value=-1, steps=int(mid/2)+side) points.cursor = (mid, mid) for _ in range(repeat): points.release_cursor() points.move_x(value=-1, steps=int(mid/2)+root) points.hold_cursor() points.move_y(value=1, steps=int(mid/2)+side) points.move_y(value=-1, steps=int(mid/2)+side) return points
[docs] def auto_select(self): ''' Auto implements the global tree with crop and scale operations TODO: NotImplemented ''' NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_htree(self, n=3): ''' Returns HTree pattern fo the given grid size This method auto creates multiple levels of HTree from the given grid size. Minimum size H-Tree is 5x5 args: n (int): 2^n, Number representng size of the grid ''' assert (math.log2(n-1) % 1) == 0, "Support only (2^n)+1 width" self._connect.merge(self.get_htree(n)) return self._connect dev_size = min(self.sizex, self.sizey) while n < dev_size: print(n) n = n*2 self.get_fishbone() return self._connect
# points = self._connect # x_center = ((self.sizex+1)*0.5) # y_center = ((self.sizey+1)*0.5) # print(x_center, y_center)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Removes all the ConnectionPoints from the pattern """ self._connect = ConnectPointList(sizex=self.sizex, sizey=self.sizey)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fishbone(width, height, steps=1, xbias=0, x_margin=(0, 0), y_margin=(0, 0)): ''' Returns fishbone pattern for the given grid size Spine is created at the center of the grid, to change bias when grid is symetric change ``xbias`` and ``ybias`` parameter x_margin(tuple(int, int)): Skips the repective grid connectivity y_margin(tuple(int, int)): Skips the repective grid connectivity ''' points = ConnectPointList(sizex=width, sizey=height) x_center = ((width+1)*0.5) x_pt = math.ceil(x_center) if xbias else math.floor(x_center) y_pt = (1+y_margin[0]) points.add_connection(x_pt, 0, x_pt, y_pt) points.cursor = (x_pt, y_pt) for indx in range(0, height-y_margin[1], steps): if not indx == 0: points.move_y(steps=steps) center = points.cursor while points.get_x < (width-x_margin[1]): points.move_x() points.cursor = center while points.get_x > (1 + x_margin[0]): points.move_x(-1) points.cursor = center return points
[docs] def render_pattern(self, scale=20, title=None, add_module_labels=False): """ Renders the connection points """ dwg = self._connect.render_pattern(scale) self.dwg_main = [e for e in dwg.elements if e.get_id() == "main"][0] dwgText = self.dwg_main.add(Group(id="text")) dwgMarker = [e for e in dwg.elements if e.get_id() == "markers"] if dwgMarker: dwgMarker = dwgMarker[0] for i in range(0, self.sizex+1): dwgMarker.add(dwg.line(start=(round((i+0.5)*scale), round(0.5*scale)), end=(round((i+0.5)*scale), round((self.sizey+0.5)*scale)), class_="gridmarker")) for i in range(0, self.sizey+1): dwgMarker.add(dwg.line(start=(round(0.5*scale), round((i+0.5)*scale)), end=(round((self.sizex+0.5) * scale), round((i+0.5)*scale)), class_="gridmarker")) # Add labels to the grid if add_module_labels: for x in range(1, 1+self.sizex): for y in range(1, 1+self.sizey): txt = self._connect.get_top_instance(x, y).name label = dwg.text("", font_size=self.sizey*scale*0.03, alignment_baseline="middle", class_="gridLabels", text_anchor="middle", transform="scale(1,-1)", insert=(x*scale, (-1*y*scale) + 0.25*scale)) label.add(dwg.tspan(txt, x=[x*scale])) label.add(dwg.tspan( "["+self._connect.get_reference(x, y)+"]", font_size=self.sizey*scale*0.02, x=[x*scale], dy=["2%", ])) dwgText.add(label) # Add title to generated SVG image title = title or f"{self.sizex} x {self.sizey} FPGA " dwgText.add(dwg.text(title, insert=((self.sizex+1)*scale*0.5, -1*-0.5*scale), transform="scale(1,-1)", class_="moduleLabel", fill="black", font_size=self.sizey*scale*0.1, alignment_baseline="middle", text_anchor="middle")) width = self.sizex*scale + (scale) height = self.sizey*scale + (3*scale) x_offset = 0 y_offset = -1*height + (1.5*scale) dwg["width"] = width dwg["height"] = height dwg.viewbox(x_offset, y_offset, width, height) return dwg
if __name__ == "__main__": # conn_list = ConnectPointList(5, 5) # conn_list.add_connection(1, 1, 1, 2) # conn_list.add_connection(1, 2, 2, 2) # print(conn_list) # conn_list.render_pattern().save(pretty=True, indent=4) # fpga = ConnectionPattern(5, 5) # conn_list = fpga.get_fishbone() # print(conn_list) # conn_list.rotate(90) # fpga.render_pattern().save(pretty=True, indent=4) fpga = ConnectionPattern(5, 5) left_tree = fpga.connections left_tree.merge(fpga.get_fishbone(5,5,x_margin=(0, 0))) svg = fpga.render_pattern() svg.saveas("_test_fishbone.svg", pretty=True, indent=4) fpga = ConnectionPattern(5, 5) left_tree = fpga.connections left_tree.merge(fpga.get_fishbone(5,5,x_margin=(0, 0))) left_tree.scale(2, anchor=(1, 1)) fpga = ConnectionPattern(10, 10) conn_list = fpga.connections conn_list.merge(left_tree) conn_list.crop_edges() conn_list.sample_connections() svg = fpga.render_pattern() svg.saveas("_test_scale_fishbone.svg", pretty=True, indent=4)