OpenFPGA Floorplaner
This is dedicated OpenFPGA floorplaner which shape tiles in traditional structure
as shown below. This placement class is not dependent iupon the architecture and always
applied to homogeneous structure.
There are total two ways
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Paramater Based (*Preferred*):
Following figure details the various paramteres referred in this type of floorplanning
.. rst-class:: ascii
|<--------- GRID_X --------->|
| |
┌───────────┐┌─────────────┐┌──────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌───────────┐ ∧
│ ││ CBX_TOP ││ ││ ││ │ |
│ ││ _WIDTH ││ ││ ││ │ | CBX_TOP_HEIGHT
│ ┌──┘└─────────────┘└──┐ ┌──┘└─────────────┘└──┐ │ ⩒
│ │┌───────────────────┐│ │┌───────────────────┐│ │
└────────┘│ GRID_CLB_RATIO │└────────┘│ │└────────┘
┌────────┐│ W/H │┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
│ CBY_ ││ ││ CB_ ││ ││ CBY_ │
│ LEFT_ ││ ││ HEIGHT ││ ││ RIGHT_ │
│ HEIGHT ││ ││ _RATIO ││ ││ HEIGHT │
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
└────────┘│ │└────────┘│ │└────────┘
┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐
↑ │ │└───────────────────┘│ │└───────────────────┘│ │
| │ └──┐┌─────────────┐┌──┘ └──┐┌─────────────┐┌──┘ │
| │ ││ CB_WIDTH_ ││ ││ ││ │ FPGA_SIZE[0],y
| │ ││ RATIO ││ ││ ││ │
G │ ┌──┘└─────────────┘└──┐ ┌──┘└─────────────┘└──┐ │
R │ │┌───────────────────┐│ │┌───────────────────┐│ │
I └────────┘│ │└────────┘│ │└────────┘
D ┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐
_ │ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
Y │ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
| │ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
| │ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
| │ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
| └────────┘│ │└────────┘│ │└────────┘
| ┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐│ │┌────────┐
↓ │ │└───────────────────┘│ │└───────────────────┘│ │
│ └──┐┌─────────────┐┌──┘ └──┐┌─────────────┐┌──┘ │ ∧
│ ││ CBX_BOTTOM_ ││ ││ ││ │ |
│ ││ _WIDTH ││ ││ ││ │ | CBX_BOTTOM_HEIGHT
└───────────┘└─────────────┘└──────────────┘└─────────────┘└───────────┘ ⩒
<-----------> <--------->
**Area Based**:
**Common Parameters** (All of them are absolute numbers in multiple of *SC_HEIGHT* or *CPP*)
- ``GRID_CLB_CHAN_X`` and ``GRID_CLB_CHAN_Y``: Grid CLB margins
- ``CBx_CHAN_X`` and ``CBx_CHAN_Y`` : Connection box X margins
- ``CBy_CHAN_X`` and ``CBy_CHAN_Y`` : Connection box Y margins
- ``GPIO_CHAN_X`` and ``GPIO_CHAN_Y``: GPIO cell margins
**Absolute Numbers** (In multiple of *SC_HEIGHT* or *CPP*)
* ``GRID_X``
* ``GRID_Y``
* ``CLB_W``
* ``CLB_H``
Utilization Based
* Optionally provide a method to apply shaping and placement to the netlist elements
import logging
import math
import os
import json
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pformat, pprint
from spydrnet_physical.util.shell import launch_shell
import yaml
from spydrnet_physical.util import OpenFPGA_Placement_Generator, FPGAGridGen
logger = logging.getLogger('spydrnet_logs')
CPP = 4
SCALE = 100
[docs]class initial_placement(OpenFPGA_Placement_Generator):
CPP = 2
"""int: ``Contated-poly-pitch`` (`default`=2) """
"""int: ``Standard cell height`` (`default`=10) """
SCALE = 100
"""int: Module level variable documented inline. (`default`=100) """
# TODO: Check if its correct
PlacementDB = []
"""list: Stores list of modules i uppose"""
# TODO: Store paramters for each module
PlacementDBKey = {}
"""dict: Module level variable documented inline. (`default`=100) """
[docs] def __init__(self, grid, netlist, fpga_grid: FPGAGridGen, debug=False,
areaFile=None, padFile=None, gridIO=False, shapingConf=None):
super().__init__(grid, netlist, None)
self.sizeX = grid[0]
self.sizeY = grid[1]
self.GPIOPlacmentKey = []
self.fpga_grid = fpga_grid
self.debug = debug
self.areaFile = areaFile
self.padFile = padFile
self.gridIO = gridIO
self.PadNames = {}
self.skipChannels = False
# Color Setting
self.CLB_COLOR = "#f4f0e6"
self.CBX_COLOR = "#d9d9f3"
self.CBY_COLOR = "#a8d0db"
self.SB_COLOR = "#ceefe4"
self.PAD_COLOR = "#204969"
self.GRID_IO_COLOR = "#ff8000"
# Pads Related
self.pad_w = 80
self.pad_h = 10
self.SC_GRID = self.SC_HEIGHT*self.CPP
if shapingConf:
[docs] def create_placement(self):
Overrides the base method to create placement information
if not self.PlacementDB:
visited = []
for instance_name, instance_info in self.PlacementDBKey.items():
bbox = instance_info["bbox"]
instance = next(self._top_module.get_instances(instance_name))
except StopIteration:
logger.warning(instance_name + " not found")
module = instance.reference
if len(instance_info["shape"]) == 1:
if not module.name in visited:
llx, lly, w, h = instance_info["shape"][0]
module.properties["SHAPE"] = "rect"
module.properties["WIDTH"] = float(w)*CPP
module.properties["HEIGHT"] = float(h)*SC_HEIGHT
instance.properties["LOC_X"] = bbox[0]*CPP
instance.properties["LOC_Y"] = bbox[1]*SC_HEIGHT
elif len(instance_info["shape"]) == 2:
if not module.name in visited:
module.properties["SHAPE"] = "cross"
list_a = instance_info["dims"]
module.properties["POINTS"] = \
[a*b for a, b in zip(list_a, list_b)]
instance.properties["LOC_X"] = bbox[0]*CPP
instance.properties["LOC_Y"] = bbox[1]*SC_HEIGHT
if not module.name in visited:
w, h = bbox[2]-bbox[0], bbox[3]-bbox[1]
module.properties["WIDTH"] = float(w)*CPP
module.properties["HEIGHT"] = float(h)*SC_HEIGHT
instance.properties["LOC_X"] = bbox[0]*CPP
instance.properties["LOC_Y"] = bbox[1]*SC_HEIGHT
self._top_module.properties["WIDTH"] = 500*CPP
self._top_module.properties["HEIGHT"] = 500*SC_HEIGHT
[docs] def update_configuration(self, shapingConf):
Overwrite default configuration variables
new_values = None
if isinstance(shapingConf, dict):
new_values = shapingConf
elif isinstance(shapingConf, str):
if ".yml" in shapingConf:
with open(shapingConf, "r") as file:
new_values = yaml.load(
file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader).items()
elif ".json" in shapingConf:
with open(shapingConf, "r") as file:
new_values = json.load(file).items()
if not new_values:
Exception("wrogn shaping configuration")
for eachKey, eachValue in new_values:
setattr(self, eachKey, eachValue)
logger.debug(f"Updated {eachKey} -> {eachValue}")
def get_default_configuration(self):
# Grid clb shape
self.SC_RATIO = 1 # This is SC_HEIGHT/CPP of stadard cell
self.GRID_CLB_RATIO = 1 # This is actual dimension of the CLB unit width/height
# Connection box size
self.GRID_RATIO_X, self.GRID_RATIO_Y = 1.5, 1.5
self.CBX_WIDTH_RATIO, self.CBY_HEIGHT_RATIO = 0.75, 0.75
# Channel spacing between blocks
self.CLB_CHAN_T, self.CLB_CHAN_B = 0, 0
self.CLB_CHAN_L, self.CLB_CHAN_R = 0, 0
self.CBX_CHAN_T, self.CBX_CHAN_B = 0, 0
self.CBX_CHAN_L, self.CBX_CHAN_R = 0, 0
self.CBY_CHAN_T, self.CBY_CHAN_B = 0, 0
self.CBY_CHAN_L, self.CBY_CHAN_R = 0, 0
self.gridIO_MT, self.gridIO_MB = 1, 1
self.gridIO_ML, self.gridIO_MR = 2, 2
self.gridIO_HT, self.gridIO_HB = 10, 10
self.gridIO_WL, self.gridIO_WR = 10, 10
# TODO: Deprecate this
self.GPIO_CHAN_X, self.GPIO_CHAN_Y = 0, 0
self.GPIO_WIDTH, self.GPIO_HEIGHT = 40, 8
def get_variables(self):
return {
"CORE_BBOX": (0, 0, int(self.CLB_GRID_X*(self.sizeX+1)),
def figSize(self):
size = (4+(1*self.sizeX), 4+(1*self.sizeY))
if self.sizeX < 16:
dpi = 300
elif self.sizeX < 64:
dpi = 100
dpi = 50
return {"size": size, "dpi": dpi}
def snapDims(self, num, dim=2):
return int(math.ceil(num/dim)*dim)
def ComputeGrid(self, skipChannels=False):
self.skipChannels = skipChannels
self.CLB_DIM = [2500, 24*8, 24]
self.CB_DIM = [2500*0.6, 0, 0]
if self.areaFile:
if isinstance(self.areaFile, str):
BlockArea = {}
for eachLine in open(self.areaFile, "r"):
module, dims = eachLine.split(" ", 1)
BlockArea[module] = list(map(float, list(dims.split())))
if isinstance(self.areaFile, dict):
BlockArea = self.areaFile
self.CLB_DIM = BlockArea["grid_clb"]
self.CB_DIM = BlockArea["cbx_1__1_"]
# Snap CLB Height and Width to next Multiple of 2
self.CLB_UNIT = math.sqrt(
self.CLB_H = self.snapDims(self.CLB_UNIT, 2)
self.CLB_W = self.snapDims(self.CLB_DIM[AREA]/self.CLB_H, 2)
self.CLB_GRID_X = self.snapDims(self.CLB_W*self.GRID_RATIO_X, 2)
self.CLB_GRID_Y = self.snapDims(self.CLB_H*self.GRID_RATIO_Y, 2)
self.CBX_W = self.snapDims(self.CLB_W*self.CBX_WIDTH_RATIO, 2)
self.CBX_H = self.CLB_GRID_Y-self.CLB_H
self.CBY_W = self.CLB_GRID_X-self.CLB_W
self.CBY_H = self.snapDims(self.CLB_H*self.CBY_HEIGHT_RATIO, 2)
self.SB_W = self.CLB_GRID_X - self.CBX_W
self.SB_H = self.CLB_GRID_Y - self.CBY_H
self.SIDE_X = self.CLB_GRID_X - self.CLB_W
self.SIDE_Y = self.CLB_GRID_Y - self.CLB_H
self.GRID_IOV_H = self.CLB_H*self.GRID_IOV_H_RATIO
self.GRID_IOH_W = self.CLB_W*self.GRID_IOH_W_RATIO
if self.debug:
print(f"self.CLB_W {self.CLB_W}")
print(f"self.CLB_H {self.CLB_H}")
print(f"self.CLB_GRID_X {self.CLB_GRID_X}")
print(f"self.CLB_GRID_Y {self.CLB_GRID_Y}")
print(f"self.CBX_W {self.CBX_W}")
print(f"self.CBX_H {self.CBX_H}")
print(f"self.CBY_W {self.CBY_W}")
print(f"self.CBY_H {self.CBY_H}")
print(f"self.SB_W {self.SB_W}")
print(f"self.SB_H {self.SB_H}")
if self.padFile:
if os.path.exists(self.padFile):
print(f"Found PinMapFile {self.padFile}")
df_pinMap = pd.read_csv(self.padFile)
df_pinMap.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip(), inplace=True)
self.PadNames["L"] = df_pinMap["Remark"]
self.PadNames["T"] = df_pinMap["Remark.1"]
self.PadNames["R"] = df_pinMap["Remark.2"]
self.PadNames["B"] = df_pinMap["Remark.3"]
self.NumOfPads = len(df_pinMap.index)
def CreateDatabase(self):
# Create Blocks
for x in range(self.sizeX+1):
for y in range(self.sizeY+1):
self.add_sb(x, y)
if x < self.sizeY:
self.add_cbx(x, y)
if y < self.sizeX:
self.add_cby(x, y)
if (x < self.sizeX) and (y < self.sizeY):
self.add_clb(x, y)
# Create gridIOs
if self.gridIO:
if (y == self.sizeY) and (x < self.sizeX):
self.add_gridIOH(x, y, side="top")
if (y == 0) and (x < self.sizeX):
self.add_gridIOH(x, y, side="bottom")
if (x == 0) and (y < self.sizeY):
self.add_gridIOV(x, y, side="left")
if (x == self.sizeX) and (y < self.sizeY):
self.add_gridIOV(x, y, side="right")
# Create Pins
if self.PadNames:
for side in ["L", "T", "R", "B"]:
for i in range(self.NumOfPads):
self.add_pad(side, i, self.PadNames[side][i])
return self.PlacementDB
def add_clb(self, xi, yi, lbl='grid_clb', shortlabel='LB'):
x, y = (xi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_X, (yi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_Y
llx = x-self.snapDims(self.CLB_W*0.5)
lly = y-self.snapDims(self.CLB_H*0.5)
W1 = self.CLB_W
H1 = self.CLB_H
initShape = [(llx, lly, W1, H1)]
if not self.skipChannels:
llx += self.CLB_CHAN_L
lly += self.CLB_CHAN_B
W1 = self.CLB_W-self.CLB_CHAN_L-self.CLB_CHAN_R
H1 = self.CLB_H-self.CLB_CHAN_T-self.CLB_CHAN_B
block_name = f"{lbl}_{xi+1}__{yi+1}_"
short_block_name = f"{shortlabel}_{xi+1}_{yi+1}"
points = [0, 0, 0, self.CLB_H, self.CLB_W, self.CLB_H, self.CLB_W, 0]
data = {"name": block_name,
"short_name": short_block_name,
"bbox": [llx, lly, llx+W1, lly+H1],
"points": points,
"module": "grid_clb_1__1_",
"center": [x, y],
"color": COLOR,
"shape": [(llx, lly, W1, H1)],
"initShape": initShape,
"xi": xi,
"yi": yi}
self.PlacementDBKey[block_name] = data
return data
def add_cbx(self, xi, yi, lbl=None):
x, y = (xi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_X, (yi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_Y
llx = x-self.snapDims((self.CBX_W)*0.5)
lly = y-self.snapDims((self.CLB_H*0.5)+self.CBX_H)
W1 = self.CBX_W
H1 = self.CBX_H
initShape = [(llx, lly, W1, H1)]
if not self.skipChannels:
llx += self.CBX_CHAN_L
lly += self.CBX_CHAN_B
W1 = self.CBX_W-self.CBX_CHAN_L-self.CBX_CHAN_R
H1 = self.CBX_H-self.CBX_CHAN_T-self.CBX_CHAN_B
block_name = f"cbx_{xi+1}__{yi}_"
short_block_name = f"CX_{xi+1}_{yi}"
points = [0, 0, 0, W1, H1, W1, H1, 0]
moduleName = "cbx_1__0_" if yi == 0 else "cbx_1__2_" if yi == self.sizeY else "cbx_1__1_"
self.PlacementDBKey[block_name] = {"name": block_name,
"short_name": short_block_name,
"bbox": [llx, lly, llx+W1, lly+H1],
"points": points,
"center": [llx+W1*0.5, lly+H1*0.5],
"module": moduleName,
"color": self.CBX_COLOR,
"shape": [(llx, lly, W1, H1)],
"initShape": initShape,
"xi": xi,
"yi": yi}
def add_cby(self, xi, yi, lbl=None):
x, y = (xi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_X, (yi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_Y - 1
llx = x-self.snapDims((self.CLB_W*0.5)+self.CBY_W)
lly = y-self.snapDims(self.CBY_H)*0.5
W1 = self.CBY_W
H1 = self.CBY_H
initShape = [(llx, lly, W1, H1)]
if not self.skipChannels:
llx += self.CBY_CHAN_L
lly += self.CBY_CHAN_B
W1 = self.CBY_W-self.CBY_CHAN_L-self.CBY_CHAN_R
H1 = self.CBY_H-self.CBY_CHAN_T-self.CBY_CHAN_B
block_name = f"cby_{xi}__{yi+1}_"
short_block_name = f"CY_{xi}_{yi+1}"
points = [0, 0, 0, W1, H1, W1, H1, 0]
moduleName = "cby_0__1_" if xi == 0 else "cby_2__1_" if xi == self.sizeY else "cby_1__1_"
self.PlacementDBKey[block_name] = {"name": block_name,
"short_name": short_block_name,
"bbox": [llx, lly, llx+W1, lly+H1],
"points": points,
"center": [llx+W1*0.5, lly+H1*0.5],
"module": moduleName,
"color": self.CBY_COLOR,
"shape": [(llx, lly, W1, H1)],
"initShape": initShape,
"xi": xi,
"yi": yi}
def get_stype(self, x, y):
if x == 0:
if y == 0:
return 1
elif y == self.sizeX:
return 3
return 2
elif x == self.sizeY:
if y == 0:
return 7
elif y == self.sizeX:
return 5
return 6
if y == 0:
return 8
elif y == self.sizeX:
return 4
return 0
def unique(self, sequence):
seen = set()
u = [x for x in sequence if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))]
return [val for sublist in u for val in sublist]
[docs] def add_sb(self, xi, yi):
Adds switch-blocks in the placement database
.. rst-class:: ascii
c | |
b | | e
+----+ +----+
a | | Cross Shape
| | -lengths {a b c d e f}
+----+ +----+
| |
| | f
x = xi*self.CLB_GRID_X - 1
y = yi*self.CLB_GRID_Y - 1
llxB1 = x+(self.CLB_W*0.5)
llyB1 = y+(self.CBY_H*0.5)
WidthB1 = self.SIDE_X
HeightB1 = self.SB_H
llxB2 = x + (self.CBX_W*0.5)
llyB2 = y + (self.CLB_H*0.5)
WidthB2 = self.SB_W
HeightB2 = self.SIDE_Y
a = self.SIDE_Y
b = e = (WidthB2-self.SIDE_X)*0.5
c = f = (HeightB1-self.SIDE_Y)*0.5
d = self.SIDE_X
Stype = self.get_stype(xi, yi)
if Stype == 1: # SB_0__0_
llyB1 += c
HeightB1 += -c
llxB2 += b
WidthB2 += -b
b = f = 0
elif Stype == 2: # SB_0__1_
llxB2 += b
WidthB2 -= b
b = 0
elif Stype == 3: # SB_0__2_
llxB2 += b
WidthB2 -= b
HeightB1 -= f
c = b = 0
elif Stype == 4: # SB_1__2_
HeightB1 -= c
c = 0
elif Stype == 5: # SB_2__2_
HeightB1 -= c
WidthB2 -= e
c = e = 0
elif Stype == 6: # SB_2__1_
WidthB2 -= e
e = 0
elif Stype == 7: # SB_2__0_
llyB1 += f
HeightB1 -= f
WidthB2 -= e
e = f = 0
elif Stype == 8: # SB_1__0_
llyB1 += f
HeightB1 -= f
f = 0
block_name = f"sb_{xi}__{yi}_"
short_block_name = f"SB_{xi}_{yi}"
initShape = [(llxB1, llyB1, WidthB1, HeightB1),
(llxB2, llyB2, WidthB2, HeightB2)]
points = self.unique([(b, 0), (b, f),
(0, f), (0, (f+a)),
(b, (f+a)), (b, (a+c+f)),
((b+d), (a+c+f)), ((b+d), (a+f)),
((b+d+e), (a+f)), ((b+d+e), f),
((b+d), f), ((b+d), 0)])
moduleNames = [
"sb_1__1_", "sb_0__0_", "sb_0__1_",
"sb_0__2_", "sb_1__2_", "sb_2__2_",
"sb_2__1_", "sb_2__0_", "sb_1__0_",
llx = min([i[0] for i in initShape])
lly = min([i[1] for i in initShape])
self.PlacementDBKey[block_name] = {"name": block_name,
"short_name": short_block_name,
"bbox": [llx, lly, llx+f+a+c, lly+b+d+e],
"points": points,
"center": [llx+(WidthB1*0.5)+b,
"module": moduleNames[Stype],
"color": self.SB_COLOR,
"shape": initShape,
"xi": xi,
"yi": yi,
"dims": [a, b, c, d, e, f],
"initShape": initShape}
def add_gridIOH(self, xi, yi, side, lbl=None):
x, y = (xi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_X, (yi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_Y
llx = x-self.snapDims((self.GRID_IOH_W)*0.5)
lly = y-self.snapDims((self.CLB_H*0.5)+self.CBX_H)
lly += (-1*self.gridIO_HB) if side == "bottom" else self.CBX_H
W1 = self.GRID_IOH_W
H1 = self.gridIO_HB
initShape = [(llx, lly, W1, H1)]
if not self.skipChannels:
llx += self.CBX_CHAN_L
lly += 0 if side == "bottom" else self.gridIO_MT
W1 = self.GRID_IOH_W-self.CBX_CHAN_L-self.CBX_CHAN_R
H1 = self.gridIO_HB-self.gridIO_MB
if side == "bottom":
moduleName = f"grid_io_{side}"
block_name = f"grid_io_{side}_{xi+1}__{yi}_"
short_block_name = f"io{side}_{xi+1}_{yi}"
moduleName = f"grid_io_{side}"
block_name = f"grid_io_{side}_{xi+1}__{yi+1}_"
short_block_name = f"io{side}_{xi+1}_{yi+1}"
points = [0, 0, 0, W1, H1, W1, H1, 0]
self.PlacementDBKey[block_name] = {"name": block_name,
"short_name": short_block_name,
"bbox": [llx, lly, llx+W1, lly+H1],
"points": points,
"center": [llx+W1*0.5, lly+H1*0.5],
"module": moduleName,
"color": self.GRID_IO_COLOR,
"shape": [(llx, lly, W1, H1)],
"initShape": initShape}
def add_gridIOV(self, xi, yi, side, lbl=None):
x, y = (xi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_X, (yi+1)*self.CLB_GRID_Y
llx = x-self.snapDims((self.CLB_W*0.5)+self.CBY_W)
lly = y-self.snapDims(self.GRID_IOV_H)*0.5
llx += (-1*(self.gridIO_WL)) if side == "left" else self.CBY_W
W1 = self.gridIO_WL
H1 = self.GRID_IOV_H
initShape = [(llx, lly, W1, H1)]
if not self.skipChannels:
llx += self.CBY_CHAN_L
llx += (-1*self.gridIO_ML) if side == "left" else self.gridIO_MR
lly += self.CBY_CHAN_B
W1 = self.gridIO_WL-self.gridIO_ML
H1 = self.GRID_IOV_H-self.CBY_CHAN_T-self.CBY_CHAN_B
if side == "left":
moduleName = f"grid_io_{side}"
block_name = f"grid_io_{side}_{xi}__{yi+1}_"
short_block_name = f"io{side}_{xi}_{yi+1}"
moduleName = f"grid_io_{side}"
block_name = f"grid_io_{side}_{xi+1}__{yi+1}_"
short_block_name = f"io{side}_{xi+1}_{yi+1}"
points = [0, 0, 0, W1, H1, W1, H1, 0]
self.PlacementDBKey[block_name] = {"name": block_name,
"short_name": short_block_name,
"bbox": [llx, lly, llx+W1, lly+H1],
"points": points,
"center": [llx+W1*0.5, lly+H1*0.5],
"module": moduleName,
"color": self.GRID_IO_COLOR,
"shape": [(llx, lly, W1, H1)],
"initShape": initShape}
def add_pad(self, side="L", number=0, padname="xx"):
CoreMinX, CoreMinY = (0.5*self.CLB_W), (0.5*self.CLB_H)
CoreMaxX, CoreMaxY = (((self.sizeX+0.5) * self.CLB_GRID_X)+0.5*self.CBY_W,
((self.sizeY+0.5) * self.CLB_GRID_Y)+0.5*self.CBX_H)
if side in ["L", "R"]:
pad_w = self.pad_w
pad_h = (((self.CLB_H+self.CBX_H)*self.sizeY+1) +
shift = (number*pad_h)
initialshitX = (self.CLB_GRID_Y - self.CBX_H-(self.CLB_H*0.5))
initialshitY = (self.CLB_GRID_X - self.CBY_W-(self.CLB_W*0.5))
pad_spacing = 24
if side == "L":
pad_x = CoreMinX - (pad_w*0.5) - pad_spacing
pad_y = initialshitX + shift + pad_h*0.5
pad_llx = pad_x - (pad_w*0.5)
pad_lly = pad_y - (pad_h*0.5)
pad_w, pad_h = pad_w, pad_h
rot = 0
t = 0.5
elif side == "R":
pad_x = CoreMaxX + (pad_w*0.5) + pad_spacing
pad_y = initialshitX + shift + pad_h*0.5
pad_llx = pad_x - (pad_w*0.5)
pad_lly = pad_y - (pad_h*0.5)
pad_w, pad_h = pad_w, pad_h
rot = 0
t = 0.5
pad_w = (((self.CLB_W+self.CBY_W)*self.sizeX+1) +
pad_h = self.pad_h
shift = (number*pad_w)
initialshitY = (self.CLB_GRID_X - self.CBY_W-(self.CLB_W*0.5))
pad_spacing = 3
if side == "T":
pad_x = initialshitY + shift + pad_w*0.5
pad_y = CoreMaxY + pad_spacing + pad_h*0.5
pad_llx = pad_x - (0.5*pad_w)
pad_lly = pad_y - pad_h*0.5
pad_w, pad_h = pad_w, pad_h
rot = 90
t = 0.5
elif side == "B":
pad_x = initialshitY + shift + pad_w*0.5
pad_y = CoreMinY - pad_spacing - pad_h*0.5
pad_llx = pad_x - (0.5*pad_w)
pad_lly = pad_y - pad_h*0.5
pad_w, pad_h = pad_w, pad_h
rot = -90
t = 0.5
"side": side,
"rot": rot,
"text": padname.strip(),
"shape": [(pad_llx, pad_lly, pad_w, pad_h)],
"color": self.PAD_COLOR,
"center": [pad_x, pad_y],